Near South Side Miami (61 results)

The Longest, Most Sensuous Sessions are at My Condo! Body Rubs, Making Out, Kissing - 47

Gentlemen: Here is the long story made short, a summary of the text that follows below: My name is Catherine, but please call me Cathy. I am a beautiful 47-year old woman with very long black hair, green/hazel eyes, a bit of height at 5’ 8”, and a few extra s at about 150. I have all natural D cups with nice hips. I love long, sensuous sessions – , but my hands as well as your hands, your body as well as my body. I love to have my own explosions and a lot of them, and I love for you to have your own explosions and as many of them as you want. I think that the ideal amount of time for a session is 3 hours, but I have had many sessions that last 5, 6 and 7 hours!! My rates start at a minimum of $200 for up to 2 hours and an additional $100 per each additional hour thereafter. I am intelligent and thoughtful and I want to have time together during which we build a friendship that becomes a long-term relationship. No one can do that in a , so if you want a session you really want only one thing – a ! There are plenty of beautiful women who will be glad to provide you with sessions; I am not one of them. I speak English very fluently and very well, but Spanish is actually my primary language! My sessions of course involve s, but my sessions are really about much more than that. My sessions are about giving you the attention you want, the time listening to you that you want, the appreciation that you want, and the romance and passion that you want. My sessions are about making you feeling like a million dollars – as a romantic interest, as a friend, and finally as a object! Gentlemen who read my ad are obviously very intelligent – otherwise, they could not get through that many pages!! Also, gentlemen who call me are interested in a lot more than just a quick one-time fling – they are looking for romance and friendship that will endure. If you are looking for a , look in the Escort section of BackPage for South Florida’s most beautiful accommodating women! My condo is in Pompano Beach, on Lyons Road (46th Avenue) between Atlantic Blvd. and Cypress Creek. My condo is very, very private and it is nice. I have dozens of candles for an exceptionally romantic environment. I would love for you to bring along a nice bottle of wine! Here is the rest of my ad: I have been posting on Backpage since May 13, 2010 and I have learned a lot from you all! On that first day I was extremely nervous and did not know what to expect. Now I am very comfortable – an old hand already. Because I am so comfortable, I can make you feel comfortable also. Please excuse what may appear to be typos – some words are deliberately misspelled herein to avoid censorship. These include words like , hapy, etc. Also, I follow the Winston Churchill view on ending some selected sentences with prepositions, which is to say I am familiar with the technical rules on the subject and follow the rules specifically laid out by the winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature! Not that I would ever aspire to attain “his mastery of historical and biographical description . . . [or his] brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values”, but I do like to use the English language correctly. (My native language is actually Spanish, but I do not approve of the intentional or inadvertent misuse of the English language. We communicate through language, so let’s use the English language properly, please!) To paraphrase Churchill: “The abuse of the English language is an abuse up with which I will not put!” I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. First, I thought that this would be about one thing and one thing only – , of course. After all, I have heard throughout my life that men have only one thing on their minds every minute of every day and night – . I thought this would be a situation where I would open the door and a gentleman would be wanting immediate sexual gratification. Now I know the reality. The reality is more like this. You are reading this ad because you feel an innate need for female companionship. There is something missing in your life. You may be married, but that special romantic passion is not present any more. Your body is pushing you to find a woman with whom to share that special romantic passion once again. It is a basic male need – as basic as the need for air, water, food, shelter, clothing. It is present in you every minute of every day. It drives you. Everything a man does is done to impress a woman so she will be romantically attracted to him (i.e., so she will have with him). In today’s world, men get an education so they can get great jobs so they can impress the women and get rewarded with the special romantic passion (i.e., .) they want. In short, since the beginning of time the main drive in men has been . Men don’t need to think about . It is hormonal. It drives every man every minute of every day. Ultimately, it does involve a male . But I think that a lot more is involved than just that. After all, a man can create his own easily and quickly (and most men do and do often!). There is something more, something “extra”. And that “extra” is the whole point. That “extra” is what drives men to turn to Back Page. It is that “extra” that is everything. That “extra” has been described in many books over the years. I will try to describe it from my point of view from what I have learned since the middle of May. First, not that you are shallow, but you want a woman who is beautiful in the face, with beautiful large breasts, soft skin, a nice butt and long legs (and other nice equipment). That is natural. We all prefer the attractive to the unattractive, so don’t feel that it is inappropriate to prefer an attractive woman. Second, you want a woman who appreciates you for who you are. You want to be appreciated for your accomplishments in life. You want to be with a woman who makes you feel special. You want a woman who thinks you are wonderful for who you are and what you have done. This too is natural to men. Woman don’t usually feel a need to be appreciated in quite the same way. Men feel a basic need to be treated as being competent in what they do. A man feels very vulnerable when his woman fails to appreciate his competence. You want the same 100% acceptance and unconditional love that a newborn baby wants! Third, you want a woman who will pay 100% attention to you when you are together – no interruptions from cell phones, etc. This will become a private universe where no one else exists – just you and me, alone, together. Fourth, you want your physical needs to be met. You want your back scratched! You want your muscles massaged. You want your skin to be soothed. And like every human being – man and woman – you want to have an . The drive toward that is one of the absolutely most basic drives in all of us. It is why you turned to Back Page. Part of your need may be to explore a woman’s body or even to create an in the woman – that is natural, too. Fifth, you want a woman with whom you are comfortable. You want a woman with whom you can talk. You want a woman that is about your own age, because you will share a common history, a common background, a common basis of experiences. You want a woman that speaks your language, went to the same kinds of schools as you did, had the same kinds of friends as you had. You want a woman who looks a bit like you and who thinks a bit like you. Sixth, you want that magical spark of romance and intrigue. We all want it. We all remember forever our first love. We would all like to be able to recreate that once-in-a-lifetime feeling we had then. We all know that a large part of the excitement is the initial conquest. We certainly all know that it is hard to keep that excitement alive in a marriage over the course of years. (And we all know that the easiest way to find it again is to start a relationship.) No man can ever give himself an as good as a woman gives him because all those “extra” things are missing. No human being can ever tickle himself/herself. It just simply can not be done by anyone, ever. In contrast, every human being can create an for himself/herself. But not as good as one created by someone else!! Guess what? I want pretty much the same things you want!! So now let me explain my thoughts on how we should go about this! You should arrive at my front door just like you would for your first date with any beautiful woman – with an expectant attitude that today is going to be one of the best days of your life! If you are romantic, perhaps you will bring a bottle of wine or some flowers or a box of chocolates! I will open the door dressed in the way that you would create in your ideal fantasy – beautiful, hair done nicely, and dressed in one of the lingerie outfits you see in the photos, by an elegant silk robe. (If you would prefer that I meet you at the door in an evening gown or a ladies’ business suit, just let me know!) When the door opens and we see each other for the first time, let it be magical. Of course, I know that you will probably have some nervousness. You are meeting someone new for the first time ever and you do not know what to expect. But even more so you do not know whether to expect that a dozen undercover agents will bust through the door and arrest you or whether all will be as it is stated. I have the same apprehension about you! You have one distinct advantage – I have been reviewed by other gentlemen on other sites. I will assume that you know some of those other sites. The gentlemen on those sites have reviewed me and given me the highest compliments possible (which means I am a real woman and not an undercover agent!!). Let’s start off the same way any dating couple would start off – by sitting on the couch, talking, having a glass of wine (with perhaps some fruit or cheese and crackers) and with some conversation. Let’s get to know each other a little. As we become acquainted, perhaps we will begin to explore a little. A caress? A kiss? A little exploration? Let the fun begin! After that, let’s adjourn to the table room and get comfortable. You’ll notice that my entire condo unit is lit only by candles. Not by one or two candles, but by dozens of candles. They set a romantic mood. Now is the time for you show me what you have! Just off and get comfortable on the table! Would you like to even things up? Perhaps you would like to get a little peek, perhaps a little at a time. Perhaps you would like to untie the bow that holds the silk robe. Perhaps next you would like to try your hand at unfastening my bra. Perhaps more things will fall off under the direction of your skilled hands. You have come for sensual pleasure, so let’s get started on that right away. I am not a licensed masseuse, but gentlemen have told me that I have skilled hands and that I have given them the best “massage” they have ever received. I correct them to say that since I am not licensed I can not say that I give a massage but rather that I give a body rub. That being said, gentlemen have also told me that I give a more complete body rub than they have ever received – by a licensed masseuse or by a non-licensed body rub provider. That is because I literally touch upon every area of the body. And many gentlemen have never had a massage or body rub before. I have been shocked by this bit of information, as I often consider the face to be the absolute most important part of the body (except for that other, more private area, of course!). When I touch your face, you will understand what I mean, if you don’t already. When I touch your face, you will understand the nature of tender loving care! When I touch your face, you will feel warmth on many levels. You have probably read that it takes a huge number of muscles to execute a frown but only a few to execute a smile. What you probably didn’t piece together was the full implication – the face has more muscle groups than any other area of the body. If you want ALL your muscles relaxed, you should start with the muscles of the face. And the face has more nerve endings than any area of the body. Have you ever had your lips stroked gently? (Well, even better, have you ever had your lips stoked gently by a woman’s nipples?) I am often almost as shocked to hear from many gentlemen that they have never had their hands receive a massage or body rub. I consider those to be important areas. The hands are important because they are the part of the body that we feel with. We use our hands as the first point of touch. And our hands have a huge number of nerve endings. Add that to the fact that the hands have the most number of bones in our body (connected to a huge number of ligaments and muscles!) and you can see why I believe that the hands are an important target of my attention! To some extent, I can understand why many ladies do not provide a massage or rub of the feet. Many ladies don’t like feet!! But I feel that feet are important. They certainly carry the entire load of our weight. Consider that the toes of each foot in sequence bear the entire weight of our entire body and you will probably agree with me that the toes are an important part of our body. And they deserve recognition and attention commensurate with their role and importance. Of course I know that every traditional massage and/or body rub focuses a lot of attention on the back. I think that attention is misplaced. I think that way for two reasons: first, most gentlemen do not use their backs as their principal means of occupation and therefore do not have sore backs. Second, when your back is receiving attention, you are in a very uncomfortable position – with your face buried in a rest or a pillow. You can’t talk in that position. Your sinus drains uncomfortably. I find that there is really only one good thing about the position – your butt is completely exposed, and men just love to have that area touched properly! And of all the ironies, that is literally the one area where the most muscle contraction takes place that needs to be relaxed – the area where the upper leg muscles connect! That area DOES need attention in just about every one of us, because just about every one of us walks! Why do so many ladies concentrate on the back? Because it is so easy and so impersonal! It takes hard work to touch someone’s face with exquisite tenderness. It takes real human emotion. And touching someone’s fingers is a genuine human connection. We shake hands to greet our fellow human beings, and a good finger massage/rub is much more than just a handshake. Only a lady who has a genuine interest in you as a man will be willing to touch your face, your hands, and your feet. By way of comparison, most ladies would prefer to touch your back – it is a cold impersonal area and you can’t talk while on your stomach with your face in a rest or a pillow. In that position, it is almost like petting a dog on its back. By this point you should be feeling relaxed! Only one thing might improve upon the sensations running through your body – the feeling of my soft, delicate skin brushing up against yours. Perhaps as I went from area to area you could feel me brush against you in a suggestive, teasing manner. Perhaps you would like to increase that percentage from a mere brushing glance to a full broadside. Many of you gentlemen are familiar with the phrase “body slide”, but I would like to elevate that phrase to a way of life! For you gentlemen who are not familiar with that phrase, please be prepared to take sensual teasing to a whole new level. Continuity and predictability. Those two elements transform a good body rub into a great body rub. My technique incorporates continuity and predictability, so let me explain to you what those are. Continuity means that from the time my hands first touch your body to formally commence our session until the time we adjourn for , my hands never, never, never leave your body. Every second of every minute of that time, at least one of my hands will be touching your body. Never will I break contact completely. [The only exception to this will be when I complete the rub of your feet, I will wash my hands so that I do not spread bacteria from your feet to the other areas of your body; I will tell you that I am going to go wash my hands and you will know that I will only be a few feet away (I have a sink in my bedroom).] This continuity is very, very important. When a lady breaks contact, you are disrupted. You don’t know where she is going or how long she will be gone. In reality, she is just going to get more oil or to move to the other side of the table, but in your imagination you don’t know where she is going or what she will do next. Imagine eating a great meal at a fine restaurant. You don’t expect the waiter/waitress to just swing by and unexpectedly remove your plate after you’ve had just a few bites and then return it a few moments later! You would be shocked by that behavior. Not surprisingly, you would be just as shocked if a lady took her hands off your body for a few moments during a massage/rub. Your body will not be pleased at unexpected interruptions! Predictability is almost as important as continuity. When I pay attention to your first arm/hand, your mind will subconsciously note the methodical sequence of events. I will then replay that same exact methodical sequence when I pay attention to the next arm/hand, then the first leg/foot, then the next leg/foot. Your mind will already know what is coming, even if you don’t. When continuity and predictability combine, your body will relax faster and further than ever before. You will feel just like a baby in a car seat going for a gentle car ride. [Yes, some of my gentlemen visitors have indeed fallen fast asleep.] Almost never has a gentleman properly discerned these two techniques. They are subtle and they are not intended to be conspicuous. They stay in the background. But they magnify the relaxation powers ten-fold. They transform a good body rub into a great body rub. No, I did not create these techniques. I did not even improve upon them. I simply copied them, learned them, and try to practice them. Consider the world’s best artists today. Can we say that they learned their crafts distinct from the processes followed by Michelangelo? Can we say they improved upon his processes? Of course not. Nothing that the artists of today undertake can exceed his works. In the same way, I can not claim that my body rubs are the most original on the planet or that they exceed those of Michelangelo’s girlfriend! The same is true in most professions today – what we do is not necessarily the most original, but it is unique to us, and we do the best we can do. At some point the teasing builds to a climax and the sexual tension becomes palpable. As a man, you feel the need to reach the end. Women enjoy the journey; men only enjoy finishing the trip they started. My ad is placed in the body rub section because that is what I provide – body rubs. I am not in the escort section because I do not offer the full range of services that escorts provide. It is important that you understand what I mean by this. I mean that I do not provide services. I do not provide full. I use my hands to provide pleasure. Yes, we will have some traditional kissing. Yes, you may provide (sic) to me if you wish. But I do not provide (sic) to you and again, I do not provide the full range of services that escorts provide. And my hands know the right questions to ask. You may be too shy to ask for a massage, but my hands will know how to ask you if you want one without asking in words! After all the oils and creams and body fluids are all over the place, wouldn’t a shower be a good idea? Would you like to shower together, or do you like to shower alone? I know exactly what I like to do and I think I have fairly accurately described it in this ad. Many gentlemen who have visited me have told me that each and every thing I stated in my last ad – which ran from about May 13 through August 25 – was true and accurate, and this ad also says everything just as it is in real life. My real-life reviews on IG and say the same thing about me, but from the gentleman’s perspective. I provide what is just about a unique experience – a real, down-to-earth boy-meets-girl experience. I think it is a true luxury version of a body rub. And an experience like this is something that should be basked in! We should take our time and do this right. I believe that an appropriate amount of time for this is 2 to 3 hours. I know that some gentlemen are in a bit more of a rush than that – they want to be out the door in an hour and a . So I have two distinct suggestions – what I call a real rush at 1.0 to 1.5 hours for $200 or what I prefer at a more leisurely pace at 2.0 to 3.0 hours at $300. Unless you are serious about this, in which case let’s spend 4 or 5 hours together at $500!. And please understand one very important concept: I love this! Imagine if you could post an ad offering to provide complete body rubs to women and lots of beautiful, intelligent women called you to set appointments, and every day you met a new, beautiful, intelligent woman and gave her a complete body rub and touched every inch of her body and she loved it! How would you feel? You would be in HEAVEN! Well guess what? SO AM I!! I am a beautiful 47-year old woman and in the last 3 months I have laid my hands on more handsome, intelligent, charming, wonderful men than Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Haile Berry, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, and Gwyneth Paltrow all put together have probably touched in their whole lifetimes!!!!! Yes, I probably have more sensuous fun than all of them put together!! My name is Catherine, but please call me Cathy. I am a beautiful 47-year old woman with very long black hair, green/hazel eyes, a bit of height at 5’ 8”, and a few extra s at about 150. I have all natural D cups with nice hips. I have lived life enough years to have seen many wonderful places. I was born in New York City and have lived there and loved it. I have also lived in New Jersey, Ohio, and Michigan (and I do not miss the cold from any of those places!). I lived my early childhood in Puerto Rico and in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands (and would love to live forever in Puerto Rico!). I have traveled and vacationed around the world on Pan Am 1 (that was a while back!). I have traveled to Colombia (twice), Peru (twice), India (3 weeks), Japan, Luxemburg, Monaco, Mexico (8 weeks), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Canada, and Switzerland. I have traveled to and vacationed in a lot of states, including California, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Texas. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! And I have lived life enough years to have undertaken many wonderful activities. I have raised my own children and now I am able to share in the lives of my grandchildren. When you look at my photos you probably are just thinking about and you aren’t thinking about how I bake cookies with my grandchildren or go to Disney World with them. If you send me a photo of yourself, the same kinds of thoughts ramble through my mind that ramble through yours! I have worked as a faux finish painter – I have painted many beautiful interior walls. I have worked as a muralist and have painted beautiful landscape murals. I have worked as a commissioned artist and made a decent living at it. I have learned to fly an airplane. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! You gentlemen have led rich, full lives full of success, travel, and adventure. Guess what? So have I! That is part of what makes meeting you so fun and exciting. You gentlemen all have wonderful stories to relate to me, and I take joy in sharing mine with you. I am a real woman and you are a real man. When you come to see me, you will learn who I am and I will learn who you are. That is how normal human beings interact. You are not just a number to me and I will not just be some housecleaning lady doing a job for you. We will have a personal relationship between us, even if just temporary! Yes, I enjoy multiple MIOs. You are welcome to enjoy multiple FIOs. If you have read my prior ad, you’ll know that a MIO is my acronym for Male-Induced- and a FIO is my acronym for Female-Induced-. Yes, I have multiple MIOs in quick succession – if you know how to do things the right way! I’m still waiting for Webster’s to put those two Acronyms in the newest dictionary. My condo is completely private – occupied by just me, no roommates. And your car will be invisible because I live all the way in the back of the subdivision, in the last building, in the back side of the building, on Lyons Road between Atlantic and Cypress Creek in Pompano Beach. I have a professional table complete with all the extras. I have tons of clean linen, towels, washcloths, etc. I also have a full bumper and a bumper for your convenience. I never fully appreciated the importance of bumpers until a few days ago, when a very kind gentlemen provided a 4-hour session TO ME! I had three full hours of body rubs followed by a full hour of sensuous touching that many would call an extremely hapy (sic) ending. I learned that the human body can not comfortably lie for 3 straight hours on the back without adequate, proper support under the back of the knees! By the way, I also learned that draping feels very comfortable. Draping keeps the cool air conditioning drafts off the exposed body! So from now on I will ask you about draping and bumpers! (Yes, guys, I have been told that some 12 different ads use language copied from my ad. I am, of course, flattered by the “imitation”. And no, I don’t write ads for anyone else! This is a free world, and I do not copyright my ads. Therefore, anyone can copy my ads. But in reality, few ladies can imitate my genuine, down-to-earth approach to meeting gentlemen for body rubs. I deliver exactly as I say I will deliver.) If you have paid close attention so far, you will know the importance of four words: continuity, predictability, draping, and bumpers! Call me at 954-366-5696. Cathy V.I.P. Sessions: $200 for up to 2:00 hours $300 for up to 3:00 hours "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of the low price is forgotten." It is usually worthwhile to pay for what you want to get! 24 hour erotic massage,erotuc massage near me,sexy erotic massage,ts escorts tokyo,full body erotic massage near me,8410 w flagler st unit 206b miami fl 33144,exotic rubs,erotic message near me,asian spa happy ending,massage coral gables

"Wow Spa" located near the Hard Rock (954) 534-9024 441 & Stirling Rd - 19

Hot Oil & Lotion Applications followed by Hot Towels to Relax U.. We R Open 7 days for your convience.. 5892 Stirling Rd #4 just east of 441 on the south side of Stirling Rd Open 10am-11pm call for more info 954-534-9024 massage parlor sensual,adult masaage near me,massage south florida,oriental massage happy ending,ts escort oklahoma city,exotic massage,where to find erotic massage,massage south beach miami fl,table shower miami,asian massage south beach

"Wow Spa" $39.99 located near the Hard Rock (954) 534-9024 - 19

Hot Oil & Lotion Applications followed by Hot Towels to Relax U.. We R Open 7 days for your convience.. 5892 Stirling Rd #4 just east of 441 on the south side of Stirling Rd Open 10am-11pm call for more info 954-534-9024 weotic massage,nuru massages miami,escort massage miami,all asian foot massage 7,bedpage massage near me,elite body rub miami,nude massage miami,bodyrub babes,erotic massage miami beach,erotic massage pembroke pines

**** TIRED OF FAKE PICS? *** Look At The REAL DEAL " ALEXXXA" The Cuban Queen ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for five hours. erotic masseuse,nuru massage in miami,full body massage miami fl,errotic massages,asian happy end massage,find happy ending massage,erotic massages near me,sexy massage miami,erotic massage near me,erotic massage

"Wow Spa" $49 1hr near the Hard Rock (954) 534-9024 441 & Stirling Rd - 19

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*** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** ( " ALEXXXA " ) *** XXX *** XXX *** XXX ** XXX ** XXX - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. massage south beach miami fl,erotic massage nearme,erotic massage mature,erotic massages near me,miami escort massage,massage for men miami fl,asian massage bird road,best exotic massage,9177444991,ertoic massage

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OCEAN BLUE MASSAGE THERAPY * A World Class Asian Spa * Swedish Massage * Shiatsu Masasge * comfortable private rooms,and soothing music Hours: 9am to 9:00pm 7Days a Week New expanded hours Now Open Sunday 9:00am to 9:00pm 1851 W INDIANTOWN RD SUITE 103 JUPITER FL 33458 Next to nicks tomato pie Jupiter excutive center Cross street Maplewood & indiantown West side of nicks tomato pie Jupiter Executive Center Call us today!! 561-203-7766 MM31855 erotic massage,erotic maddage,erotic masages,erotic full body massage near me,miami florida massage,private exotic massage,asian massage bedpage,mnaked massage,dirty massages,massage miami south beach

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*****I am SMOOTH as a CHOCOOLATE & SWEET as a CHERRY***** ALEXXXA **** The " Cuban Queen " **** - 32

Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for five hours. horny massage near me,adult sensual massage,affordable spas in miami,south beach erotic massage,body rub miami,7968 southwest 8th street,5319 sw 8th street miami,erotic massage parlor miami,masajes eroticos miami,erotica miami

*** *** *** *** *** *** ( " ALEA " ) *** *** *** *** *** - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alea". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 s with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "" but I am "The One & Only ALEA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a costume, sexy , belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alea's" .....stays at "Alea's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. . Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. massage south miami fl,errotic massages,erotic message near me,erotica miami,adult massage newr me,erotic sensual massage near me,best exotic massage,tsescorts dallas,oriental massage happy ending,7968 southwest 8th street miami fl 33144

**** MOUTH WATERING *** MAGICAL *** MYSTICAL **** " ALEXXXA " the Cuban Queen ! Cum see me 2day!!!

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. adult message near me,masajes erotic,asian massage north miami,massage south florida,exotic body rub,miami escort massage,asian exotic massage,erotik massage,errotic massage,erotic madsage

****BANG BANG BANG**** create fireworks with " ALEXXXA " the " CUBAN QUEEN " its " EXPLOSIVE " !!!!! - 32

Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". LET'S SET OFF SOME FIREWORKS IN MY ECSTASY CHAMBER THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!!! I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? Maybe you'd like to play the role of the big bad wolf and I'll be little red riding hood looking for goodies for granny. Do you have any goodies I can find? Would you like me to whisper in your ear, "How good it feels Daddy to rub all over your body? or tell you, "Que rico papi me siento en tocando tu dulce cuerpo?". That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey in meeting such dashing gentlemen......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. masaje miami,happy ending massage near mw,ts escorts tokyo,boston ts escorts,intim massage,massage erotico,ts escort salt lake city,eotic massage,erotic masage,erotic masssage near me

Are you feeling Chilly Today? I specialize in warming you up. Hot Body Rubs by Luna - 23

Hot Oils, Heated Rooms and a Hot Girl By your side providing you the most exquisit Body Rub Imaginable. What more can you ask For? From the moment you feel the warmth and scent of the candles until you close your eyes, you will be trasported a destination only very few have visited. So breakout your passport for Bliss, because our trip is going to be a memorable one :) Enjoy Miami's Hottest Independent Girl providing the most Sensual Rubs for you in an intimate setting. 100% Real Pics. 305-266-5659 305-266-5659 Kisses, Luna eroitic massage near me,erotic massage south beach miami,erotik massage near me,wrotic massage near me,adult.massage near me,massage eroticos,massage finder miami,9177444991,erotice massage near me,massage érotique

**** XXX **** Cuban Red Light Special *** XXX *** With WHIP CREAM ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do , sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. foot massage coral gables,eros escort miami,asian massage nearby,erotik massage,massage parlor sensual,tsescorts ft lauderdale,erotic massage south beach miami,nuru massage place near me,ts escorts orlando fl,ts escort in nashville

*** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** ( " ALEXXXA " ) *** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** XXX *** ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. massages exotic,hot erotic massages,asian rub maps,eroctic massage near me,masage erotic,nide massage,tsescorts orange county,www rubmaps com,massage places miami,adult massge

•~ANDREA•~ ★ SEXxY Legs NATURALE Busty ★Coolombian Body to Boody ANDREaA•~ - 33

READY FOR SOME TIME FULL OF FANTASY AND ROMANCE? WELL MY NAME IS ANDREA AND IM A PERFECT FIT FOR YOU MY PERSONALITY CAN BRING SUNSHINE TO YOUR GLOOMY WEATHER AND MY SENSUAL SIDE WILL HAVE YOU BEGGING FOR MORE. 100 % INDEPENDENT ONLY INCOME AT MY PRIVATE EXECUTIVE OFFICE P.S. THATS REALLY ME SO THERES NO AGENCY GUYS! OVER THE PHONE (NO EXPLICIT TALK) (786)399-7951 asian erotic message,massage envy south miami,oriental massage miami fl,exotic massage room,irotic massage,bodyrub babes,eotic massage,masage erotic,affordable massage miami,full body nude massage near me

Beautiful Woman and Well-Endowed Man Provide Gentle Introduction to Bi-Curious Fantasies. - 42

[954-865-6513] [Yes, you may elect the option of seeing only her!] Gentlemen -- We just love certain particular fantasies and pleasures. These are the certain particular fantasies and pleasures that we love: the ones that require 1 woman, her regular boyfriend, and one new man -- you!! You have probably seen some movies -- the kind that has more than just 1 "X" -- which illustrate these certain particular fetishes quite nicely. Two men, one woman. One very, very beautiful woman and 2 men. (And who cares what the men look like!! Only one particular part of the men is relevant in these moves!!) We are an attractive white couple. She is very beautiful (blonde, 42 (just turned), 140 pounds). He is average (gray hair, 57, 185 pounds), but who cares about him? He has the one thing that is necessary: a huge pleasure machine. [Her photos are studio/glamour and photo-shopped, but she really, truly is that beautiful in real life. Can send face photo to your phone or email.] He is patient and experienced. Both of us have slow, gentle touches, rising to fast and aggressive when desired. Both of us have high drives and like to please our partners. Both of us are clean and disease and drug free. We truly deliver a fabulous 2-hour experience that is literally unequalled for its sheer sensual pleasure. She is super-high energy and super long-lasting. She can be quite vigorous. She is absolutely the most wonderful lady for pleasing a man Charles has ever met. You will be completely satisfied with her. YOU WILL NOT OUTLAST HER! Have you ever had a fetish or a fantasy that involved two men pleasing a woman at the same time? Did you get some ideas from watching some of those videos? Do you ever daydream about being submissive? About being in a cuckold situation? Have you ever had a bi-curious fantasy? Have you ever had thoughts about touching a man while the man was pleasing his girlfriend, or perhaps about a man touching you while you were pleasing his girlfriend? It is not easy to find a situation where you have virtually unlimited play-time with a very, very beautiful woman and her man -- especially with a very well endowed man!! It may be that after 30 years of being with a woman thousands upon thousands of times, you want something else, something different. It may be that that after watching thousands of hours of videos with women and men doing wild things, you want to try something else. If this is something that you have had fantasies about, but perhaps have not been able to live out or perhaps only rarely or a long time ago, then this may be the right opportunity for you. You probably have a few ideas about how to many your fantasies come to life for you. We realize that your wife or girlfriend is probably not agreeable to allowing you to experiment with new and different experiences -- not with another woman, not with a man. Many wives are from the old school. Even worse, many wives don't understand that after 30 or so years having the same old same old can be a bit boring to their husbands! And girlfriends are even more so! Let's be realistic: no wife or girlfriend is going to give you a 2-hour body rub together with another woman or man!! They say that men have "mid-life" crises. That simply is wrong. The two real problems are these. First, wives hit menopause and lose interest; this drives their husbands in search of other women. Second, men get bored with 30 years of the same old same old and want something new. Neither one constitutes something going wrong with the men and in fact neither is a crisis from the man's viewpoint -- quite the contrary, the man is overjoyed at being able to have fantasies fulfilled for the first time in many years! Not a crisis at all. We provide bi pleasures in a safe, sane way, with a real woman/man couple that is dedicated to satisfying your wants. After all, we get our fantasies satisfied whenever we want! We are that one special couple that can open up a new world for you. We know that it is almost impossible for a man to figure out how to safely get into the lifestyle of bi-sexual fun without a good guide. That is why we posted here and why we hope you will be a perfect match for us. We know that it isn't easy for a guy to initiate such an endeavor. You can't ask a co-worker if you can join him and his wife in bed one night!! You can't walk into a bar and pick up a couple! And everything else gets even more difficult and complicated! We also know that guys would prefer to have a woman present, as doing things with other guys seems too "gay". The main idea is this: being with a beautiful woman and having fun with her, while at the same time having a way to explore bi fantasies! We are looking for someone exactly like you -- someone who wants to experiment with the possibilities that involve a man and a woman at the same time. We are a completely real couple -- one woman, one man, both highly driven. We don’t have a website. We offer a safe, sane, gentle introduction into the alternative lifestyle of two men with one woman. We offer an opportunity for you to tell us your fantasy, then get it fulfilled. We are as real as life gets. Our goal is to meet and have a session of unlimited touching and pleasure-giving of every nature dedicated to satisfying your fantasies. We want all 3 of us to have multiple moments of erotic pleasure, and to each walk away saying, “Wow. I can’t wait until we all get together again.” This is an opportunity to satisfy the simple fantasies of mutual touching to the more complex fantasies -- just about unlimited in nature! This is what we are looking for – a man who wants a safe, gentle introduction to the world of bi pleasures or a man who really wants the best mutual bi body rub ever offered and an opportunity to satisfy some fantasies like the ones in the videos! Someone who can spend the time it takes to really have tons of fun. Not just a quick “Slam, Bam, Thank You Ma’am” experience and run out to his car. Our idea of a safe, gentle introduction looks like this. You come to visit us or we come to visit you. We will both greet you and we will all sit for a while talking to get to know each other a little bit. Then, she will will give you about 20 to 25 minutes of a professional-grade body rub. Then you and she will swap places. You will give her about 20 to 25 minutes of your best body rub! We envision that this step will last about 60 minutes. When you are very, very comfortable with her and ready to move to the next step, she will invite Charles into the room. We will divide this next step into 3 parts: first, you and Charles will give her about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of you on each side. Then, she and Charles will give you about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of us on each side. Then, you and she will give Charles about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of you on each side. By the end of this second step, about 90 minutes have passed. Now we will go to the next step. All 3 of us can occupy the bed at the same time and let happen those things that will satisfy your fantasies. By this time, all 3 of us should be comfortable with each other and we should all be ready to move to this next stage. This is your once-in-a-lifetime to get your fantasies fulfilled, so don’t be too shy to tell us what you have in mind!! We believe that 120 minutes – 2 hours – is about the right amount of time that it will take for you to become slowly comfortable with each step. We believe that by focusing the first hour between you and her, you will understand that this is primarily a straight encounter between you and a beautiful woman but with a chance to satisfy bi fantasies. Our time together takes about 2 hours. No rushing. Just pure bliss. Why? Because this may well be a once in a lifetime experience for you. This may change everything you have ever thought you knew about these kinds of pleasures. This is not the time or place to rush. You should be a little nervous when you walk through our door -- we should be too! You don't know us, we don't know you, and we are all about to get really wild together! You should need a little time to adjust to her first, then adjust to him next. Baby steps. Go a little extra distance with each step. If you walked through the door and we all jumped into the thick of things, you might be really nervous and "chicken out"! We provide the fantasy of the greatest experience you could want. If you have ever been to a service provider, you know that it takes a few minutes to chill out, to get over that feeling of apprehension and nervousness. By the time you are in the groove, it is time to go. Not with us. With us you will truly have the most luxurious session offered in South Florida. You’ll never look for a provider ever again!! Even if you decide the bi experience is not for you, you will want to return to see her time and time again -- she is that beautiful and that good! We do not undertake any sessions under 2 hours. This is because we feel we have a good way to proceed that will work! We know this will work for you as well as for us. We love to touch men's bodies, and we love to be touched in return! We have fine tuned our techniques to make you feel more and more comfortable one step at a time. We also understand that because she is so beautiful you may prefer to see only her! That is okay. NOTE: We do not accept emails or text messages from this post. We do not respond to emails or to text messages at all, as there are so many spams and scams. CALL US AT 954-865-6513. Sometimes Charles answers the phone; sometimes she answers the phones. So please don’t be surprised who answers the phone! Discretion assured. We do not accept calls from blocked, restricted, or private numbers. NOTE: Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which we ask for a donation. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of choice between consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. The issue of the donation will not be discussed by email, by text message, over the phone, or in person. 954-865-6513 2 Hours 2 People -- 1 Man and 1 Woman [OR JUST HER] $300 at our place, $400 at your place erotic massage kendall,body massage erotico,best asian massage miami,masaje con final feliz en miami,dallas ts escorts,erosguide,erotic messages near me,ts escorts nash,erotic. assage,erotic massage near to me

**** NOW LICENSED *** Completely LEGIT ***(" ALEXXXA ") Now LICENSED!!!!!!~ - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do , sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. massage downtown miami,erotic massage open near me,asian rubmaps,erotic rub near me,massage place with happy ending near me,massage with happy end near me,sex massage miami,erotic massage in,happy ending massage florida,9177444991

Beautiful Lady and Well-Endowed Gentleman Provide 2 Full Hours of Body Rubs, More. - 52

We are an attractive white couple in our mid-50s. She is very beautiful at age 52 (like Elizabeth Taylor was beautiful at age 52 and beyond), with long black hair, green hazel eyes, a bit tall for her age at 5’7”, with long legs and size D natural breasts. She has very smooth skin and she is very clean, odorless, , and does not shave. She weighs about 165 s – a normal woman with a few extra s that make her soft and touchable. He is a little older than her and has a medium build, but with an unusually large certain part that is exceptionally thick. He weighs 185 s – a normal woman with a few extra s common to middle-aged men. He is patient and experienced. Both of us have slow, gentle touches, rising to fast and aggressive when desired. She has a pert, soft butt. Both of us have high drives and like to please our partners. Both of us are clean and disease and drug free. We truly deliver a fabulous 2-hour experience that is literally unequalled for its sheer sensual pleasure. We first ran an ad about a year ago, and have recently returned. We are amazed to find how many ladies have copied portions of our original ad, which we are reprinting below! Have you ever had a bi-curious fantasy? We ask this because at some point she came to realize that what many men were really looking for was something they couldn’t get from their wives or girlfriends. Many men wanted to be touched from behind and wanted her to use “toys” to please them. They liked toys in particular. They liked the pleasure they associated with that special kind of touching. They had fantasies of touching another man. They all loved women and had never had an experience with a man. But many were curious to know what it would be like to be touched by a man or to touch a man or to be pleased by a man. But because they loved women and not men, they had never gone to the actual process of doing anything. It may be that after 30 years of being with a woman thousands upon thousands of times, men want something else, something different. It may be that that after watching thousands of hours of videos with men showing off their huge members, men decided that certain parts of other men might be interesting after all. And as many men got older, they realized that they received pleasure from being touched in the backside. In general, they are not interested in another man, just in another man’s member. We realized that these men wanted a bi experience but didn’t know how to go about getting one. These men wanted to experiment with another man, but only if a woman – preferably a participating woman -- was present. Some of the men wanted to start by touching the woman and then moving on to touching the man, some just wanted the woman to be present (and fully participating!). Some wanted a 4-hand body massage to start things off sensually! We discussed this and decided that there were a lot of men who wanted a bi experience (with a woman, and also a man) but didn’t know how to go about getting one. Of course, there are a lot of postings in the regular sections for a MW couple looking for a M, but in reality there are thousands of single men looking for a MW couple and only a few dozen MW couples looking for a M. And those few MW couples can be extremely selective. Also, the MW couples want something for themselves; they don’t care about the M’s wants. The chances of a M being selected by a MW couple are small, and even then limited in nature. We also realized that many wives were not agreeable to allowing their husbands to experiment with new and different experiences -- not with another woman, not with a man. Many wives are from the old school. Even worse, many wives don't understand that after 30 or so years having the same old can be a bit boring to their husbands! And girlfriends are even more so! Let's be realistic: no wife or girlfriend is going to give you a 2-hour body rub together with another woman or man!! They say that men have "mid-life" crises. That simply is wrong. The two real problems are these. First, wives hit menopause and lose interest in ; this drives their husbands in search of other women. Second, men get bored with 30 years of the same and want something new. Neither one constitutes something going wrong with the men and in fact neither is a crisis from the man's viewpoint -- quite the contrary, the man is overjoyed at being able to have fantasies fulfilled for the first time in many years! Not a crisis at all. So we discussed the issue and decided that we would do everything together – as a couple. We would provide an opportunity for a man to gently enter into the world of bi pleasures in a safe, sane way, with a real woman/man couple that would be dedicated to satisfying that man’s wants instead of their own. We decided that we would like to be that one special couple that opens up a new world for you. We know that it is almost impossible for a man to figure out how to safely get into the lifestyle of bi-sexual fun without a good guide. That is why we posted our ad and why we hope you will be a perfect match for us. We know that it isn't easy for a guy to initiate such an endeavor. We also know that guys would prefer to have a woman present, as doing things with other guys seems too "gay". We are looking for someone exactly like you -- someone who wants to experiment with the bi – with a man, but only if a woman is present and only if the woman is participating. We are a completely real couple -- one woman, one man, both highly driven. We don’t have a website. We offer a safe, sane, gentle introduction into the alternative lifestyle. We offer an opportunity for you to tell us your fantasy, then get it fulfilled. We are as real as life gets. Our goal is to meet and have a session of unlimited touching and pleasure-giving of every nature dedicated to satisfying your fantasies. We want all 3 of us to have multiple moments of erotic pleasure, and to each walk away saying, “Wow. I can’t wait until we all get together again.” This is an opportunity to satisfy the simple fantasies of mutual touching to the more complex fantasies. This is what we are looking for – a man who wants a safe, gentle introduction to the world of bi pleasures or a man who really wants the best mutual bi body rub ever offered and an opportunity to satisfy some fantasies like the ones in the videos! Someone who can spend the time it takes to really have tons of fun. Not just a quick “Slam, Bam, Thank You Ma’am” experience and run out to his car. Our idea of a safe, gentle introduction looks like this. You come to our personal home. It is in a very nice, gated community with lots of security cameras. Your car will be safe and so will you! When you enter our home, we will both greet you and we will all sit for about 10 to in the living room to get to know each other a little bit. Then, Chrissy will walk you to the master bedroom, where we have a professional table set up. She will give you about 20 to 25 minutes of a professional-grade body rub. Then you and Chrissy will swap places. She will lie on the table and you will give her about 20 to 25 minutes of your best body rub! We envision that this step will last about 60 minutes. When you are very, very comfortable with her and ready to move to the next step, she will invite Charles into the room. We will divide this next step into 3 parts: first, you and Charles will give Chrissy about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of you on each side. Then, Charles and Chrissy will give you about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of us on each side. Then, you and Chrissy will give Charles about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of you on each side. We envision that this step will last about utes. By the end of this second step, about 90 minutes have passed and about utes remain. Now we will adjourn to the other bedroom so that all 3 of us can occupy the bed at the same time and let happen those things that will satisfy your fantasies. By this time, all 3 of us should be comfortable with each other and we should all be ready to move to the next stage. This is your once-in-a-lifetime to get your fantasies fulfilled, so don’t be shy to tell us what you have in mind!! We believe that 120 minutes – 2 hours – is about the right amount of time that it will take for you to become slowly comfortable with each step. We believe that by focusing the first hour between you and Chrissy, you will understand that this is primarily a straight encounter but with a chance to satisfy bi fantasies. There are times when 180 minutes – 3 hours – is even better! When we say 2 hours, we literally mean at least 120 minutes. No rushing. Just pure bliss. Many men have had “1-Hour” body rubs and know that often they are rushed out the door in 10 to 20 minutes! We provide the fantasy of the greatest experience you could want. If you have ever been to a service provider, you know that it takes a few minutes to chill out, to get over that feeling of apprehension and nervousness. By the time you are in the groove, it is time to go. Not with us. With us you will truly have the most luxurious session offered in South Florida. You’ll never look for a provider ever again!! Even if you decide the bi experience is not for you, you will want to return to see her time and time again! We do not undertake any sessions under 2 hours. This is because we feel we have a well-drawn-out way to proceed that will work! We know this will work for you as well as for us. We love to touch men's bodies, and we love to be touched in return! We have fine tuned our techniques to make you feel more and more comfortable one step at a time. NOTE: We do not accept emails or text messages from this post. We do not respond to emails or to text messages at all, as there are so many spams and scams. CALL US AT 954-200-1377. Sometimes Charles answers the phone; sometimes Chrissy answers the phones. So please don’t be surprised who answers the phone! Discretion assured. We do not accept calls from blocked, restricted, or private numbers. NOTE: Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which we ask for a donation of $300. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of choice between consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. The issue of the donation will not be discussed by email, by text message, over the phone, or in person. We offer 2 hours of 2 people for $300. If you want less time or less people, that is okay, but the donation is still $300. With this being said, there is no need to ask questions. NOTE: We offer 1 service and only 1 service: 2 hours for $300. 954-200-1377 $300 2 Hours 2 People -- 1 Man and 1 Woman where to get erotic massages,erotic massasge,oriental massage coral gables,erotic massahe,3052825048,miami rub and tug,horny massage near me,exotic massage,8410 w flagler st unit 206b,oasis bodyworks asian spa

***BLAZING FIREWORKS*** with " ALEXXXA " the " CUBAN QUEEN " Dressed In Red, White & " YOU " !!!!! - 32

Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". LET'S SET OFF SOME FIREWORKS IN MY ECSTASY CHAMBER THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!!! I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? Maybe you'd like to play the role of the big bad wolf and I'll be little red riding hood looking for goodies for granny. Do you have any goodies I can find? Would you like me to whisper in your ear, "How good it feels Daddy to rub all over your body? or tell you, "Que rico papi me siento en tocando tu dulce cuerpo?". That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey in meeting such dashing gentlemen......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. asian adult massage,929-331-2226,massage bodyrub,massage near me reddit,asian massage bedpage,erotic massahe,massage parlors in miami,rubratings miami,massages exoticos,happy ending massages in miami

*** CUM ! CUM ! CUM ! *** 2 C The BEST SEDUCTRESS " ALEXXXA " *** The " Cuban Queen " !!!! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey in meeting such dashing gentlemen......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. erotic massage in,erotic.massage near me,how to find massage parlor with happy ending,erotiv massage,3056539233,erotic maasage,mnaked massage,rubratings miami,ertoic massage near me,miami rubmap

NEW* * * Sexxxy BUSTY LATINA with Great Body & LONG LEGS *Busty!!!! - 27

Ultimate Exxxclusive Rubdowns For Discerning Gentlemen! Open the door to your most Erotic Fantasy with me. i am Classy, Discreet and Eager to Fulfill Your Naughty Desires. Book with confidence In knowing that i am Conservative, Discreet, Elegant and above all, Sexy....Conservative with a REAL Freaky Side, that's me--Amazingly elegant in public yet seductive and uninhibited in private--i am the perfect mix between Naughty & Nice. Come and Play With me!! Wanna Play? 305 321 5270 massage coral gables,erotic massage south beach,massage south beach miami fl,miami sex massage,nuru masssage near me,erotic massage mear me,eroctic massages,massage near me erotic,rentmassuer miami,erotic massage nearme


Hey guys I'm a single man's Fantasy, remain Mysterious to a married mans curiosity ! I'm What they call a dreamgirl full of EXCITEMENT, Ready to Play, drink good wine i love couples;) Let me show you my sweet side I'm addictive! My services are available to Gentlemen who desire only the BEST...NO VULGAR TALK OR QUESTIONS Cristy 305-735-9102 oriental massage miami fl,t s e s c o r t dc,massage erotico near me,body rub search,miami erotic massages,ecrotic massage,massage miami south beach,eroitc massage near me,asian massage happy ending,coral gables massage

*** *** Cuban - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alea". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 s with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "" but I am "The One & Only ALEA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a costume, sexy , belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alea's" .....stays at "Alea's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of 200 for one full hour for body rub getaway or 400 for dream package This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. new asian massage near me,hapoy ending massage,erotic massage in,exrotic massage,masage miami,nuru massage mear me,erotic asian massage miami,miami rubmap,erotic masage,massage erotic

Dinner Date and/or Body Rub With Gorgeous Pre-Med College Student. The Ultimate Fantasy! - 24

THE BEST WAY TO REACH ME IS TO TEXT ME AT 954-861-8056 OR EMAIL ME AT Please read my entire ad before calling me so you know what to expect!! I hope to explain exactly what I offer in this posting so there is no confusion when you meet me. If you are not able to read this entire ad, then I probably am not going to be a good match for you! I am able to write this much and I am looking for a gentleman who is at least able to read this much! To make a long story short up front, I am a gorgeous “companion” – a gorgeous college student to join you as a companion for lunch, dinner, a concert, a museum trip, a sporting event, a business event, or some other fun thing, followed by an incredibly fabulous mutual body rub session at my place. I DO NOT OFFER THE OTHER KIND OF ESCORT SERVICES! Simply put, I am a true COMPANION” with a mutual body rub ending!! Now let me provide the long story! I am 24 years old and stand about 5’2” tall and weigh about 110 to 115 pounds. The photos I am posting together with this written text are photos of ME and only ME! As you may see, I have very long, flowing, brunette hair and I have a very slender, petite build. I pretty much have a perfect model’s body, a gorgeous face, and great hair. I am all-natural: no silicone, no implants, no botox, no injections! And those are B cups – petite and delicate to match the rest of my body! I am currently a college student. Classes and studying takes up a lot of my time, so I will pretty much be available only by appointment. I have a little bit of flexibility in my schedule, but advance notice will definitely be helpful! I am an excellent conversationalist and can hold my own with most people. Perhaps one of my most important qualities is my love of meeting new friends! My excitement is contagious and you’ll soon join me in a world of excitement and fun. Have you ever found yourself wanting to do something fun but not wanting to do it alone and not having a special woman with whom to do it? Perhaps you are in South Florida for a business meeting or conference and do not have your special woman with you. Perhaps you live here in South Florida but do not have a special woman with whom to share the fun things you want to do. Perhaps you live here in South Florida and you have a special woman but you need a change or a thrill! There are lots and lots of fun things to do here in South Florida. We have all the usual fun things such as lunch, dinner, concerts, plays, comedy clubs, museums, sporting events, etc. And there are a few unique things to do here in South Florida such as the airboat tours of the Everglades, the Jungle Queen, Flamingo Gardens, the Coral Castle, the beaches, and many dozens more. Please let me explain why I think I might be a good companion for you. First, I am beautiful and I have a perfect body. I have unblemished, perfect skin – silky smooth, wonderful to the touch. If you want to spend time with a woman, you might as well spend it with a beautiful woman with a great body and flawless skin! Second, I am 24 years of age. You are older than I am, obviously. You already know the issues with the older women: they have secret agendas, they are overweight, they have medical issues, they are in menopause, they have a negative attitude toward men, they are too bossy, they are self-absorbed, etc. At my age, I am a blank tablet! Third, I have a great body and plenty of energy. If you want to run on the beach, I can keep up with you. No creaky knees, no arthritis, no whining and complaining!! Fourth, I am completely “normal” – no issues with alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, mental issues, spiritual issues; no hang-ups! No drugs for depression, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, etc.!! And I am healthy! No middle-aged diseases, no diseases of any age! Fifth, I have a great attitude. I want to join you for a fun adventure that we will both enjoy immensely! Sixth, you can have a great time without feeling guilty afterward. You can return home with a clear conscience and with absolutely no possibility of taking home some strange disease! After an adventurous date, let’s adjourn to my place for some more intimate fun – mutual body rubs! Perhaps you have been skimming through the Body Rub Section of Backpage and seen my posting in that section. Sometimes it runs under the caption “Complete Description of the World’s Best Body Rub by a Professionally Trained Pre-Med College Gal”. Here is the wording that I use to describe my body rub sessions: About My Body Rub Services: I am posting in the Body Rub Section because I am offering body rub services. I am not posting in the Escort Section because I am not offering escort services. Many of you gentlemen have seen service providers before. Some service providers advertise in the Body Rub Section but also provide escort services; I am not one of those! I offer strictly body rub services, no escort services. I would like to make myself clear on the body rub services I do offer and what escort services I do not offer so there is no confusion. I use my hands to cover 100% of your body as you desire (and only excluding any areas that you want excluded). I do not use my mouth to touch any part of your body. I use my natural “B’s” to gently glide over some surfaces to tease your body and arouse your senses. I will use my delicate, petite fingers to penetrate you if you so desire. No part of your body may penetrate any part of my body. In short, I will use my hands to touch each and every area of your body as you wish, without limit. You may use your hands to touch each and every area of my body as you wish but no penetration is allowed. Neither of us will use our mouths to touch the other. About My Body Rubs: I have been professionally trained in the art and science of body rubs. Professional training involves purely therapeutic touches. The Body Rub Section of Backpage offers body rubs that go way beyond that, into the realms of sensuous touches. I provide both types of body rubs, starting with 100% coverage of your body with the former followed by 100% coverage of your body with the latter. Let me describe both to you. I would like to start our time together by spending about 15 minutes on the couch. First we get to know each other a little bit. I learn about you, you learn about me. Then I will describe what we are going to do together in great detail, as noted below. Great communication is a must for a great body rub! A professional body rub in today’s world starts with you on your back facing the ceiling! From this position, I can reach a large portion of your body. I start with the muscles on the back of your neck, move to the muscles at the front of your neck. Then I move on to your scalp area using two techniques – the spread palm technique followed by the fingertip technique. Tell me which technique you like better, and I’ll use that technique. Then I move on to your face. For me personally, the face is one of the most exciting areas of the body. I will of course hit the two traditional pressure points that professionals hit – your temples, and the insides of the bridge of your nose. I will use the spread palm technique on the muscle group that is the strongest muscle of your body ounce by ounce – namely, your jaw muscles. Then I will lovingly caress two areas of your body that I will love to have rubbed when you rub me – your lips and your ears! Not because they have sore muscles – they don’t! But because it feels so sensuously wonderful! I’ll ask you as we go along what feels best to you! On to your arms and hands. First I’ll stretch out your full arm, then take care of your upper arm, your lower arm, then your hands and fingers. Are you a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, a banker, a realtor, a finance guru? Chances are pretty good your arm muscles are not really sore! Are you a roofer, a carpenter, a laborer? Then the chances are pretty good your arm muscles are really sore, but then the chances are equally good that you won’t be coming to see me!!! It turns out that only professionals seem to visit service providers!!! I consider myself to be a “hand specialist” – not as a future doctor, but as a body rub specialist!! I particularly love the interlocking finger technique and the ligament technique. I’ll ask what techniques you love the most. When I finish one arm / hand / set of fingers, I move to the other. But my hands will not leave your body during that transition. I will maintain continuity! And I will undertake your second arm / hand / set of fingers exactly as I did the first – I will maintain predictability! Then your leg / feet / toes. Just like the arm / hand / fingers. Predictable. Continuous touching. For the feet, I’ll use the twisted pretzel technique. For you, I have a special treat! And of course, I’ll keep asking you which techniques you love the most. Then your back. But not just your back – the entire backside of your body. I’ll start with your upper back while standing at the top of the table. Yes, by this point I’ll probably be topless (if you have been on top of your game and asked to remove that obstacle) and as I lean down hopefully my will be gently brushing you. Then your lower back. Then the back sides of your legs. On this final sixth stage, I’ll cover the area professionals skip – the upper leg muscles on the back of your legs, ending above the legs, ending half way up the cheeks!! It turns out that the most powerful muscle group in your body happens to end there. To relax these leg muscles fully, we MUST give proper attention to that area of the leg muscles. And that area is inevitably sore for just about 100% of us humans! This is because walking makes that muscles work, which makes it sore. Having that area professional tended is a great luxury that you won’t want to miss! So of course I’ll hit that area of your body properly! At that stage, the first part comes to an end and the second part starts. That is to say, the professional yields to the sensual. Let’s recover 100% of your body with a body scratch, then recover 100% of your body with gentle feather touches. The first part of the session should have relaxed every bit of your body’s muscles. Now it is time to tease the sense of feeling and arouse the prurient interest! Do you like to have your back scratched? EVERYONE DOES! But have you ever had 100% of your entire body scratched? It is an altogether satisfying event! And have you ever had 100% of your entire body lovingly caressed with touches that are as light as a feather? The sensation will send you into an erotic orbit of pleasure all by itself. That sets up the MAIN EVENT. By now you have already had the greatest body rub of your life!! Now comes the part that has been the focus of all this pre-climax activity. The end comes. If you use your right hand when you pleasure yourself, then I’ll use my right hand standing at your right side. I will try to do as you would do unto yourself! After all that excitement, I’ll continue your sensory stimulation by using hot towels to clean you a bit. Has anyone ever lovingly tended you with hot towels? It is the fitting capstone to a fabulous body rub / great climax session! Would a shower be a good idea? Feel free to enjoy a shower when we are done – or not! Your choice. Then, let’s sit on the couch for a few minutes and wind down. Let’s be best friends that see each other regularly! Or will you decide after a while that you have revived for a second round? My ideas on timing look like this. If you are coming for a “1 hour” massage, let’s spend about 15 minutes on the couch, 60 full minutes on the table, then the ending, then the shower, then the couch. Basically close to 2 hours ($200). If you are coming for a “2 hour” massage, let’s spend about 15 minutes on the couch, 120 full minutes (2 full hours) on the table, then the ending, then the shower, then the couch. Basically close to 3 hours ($350). If you are coming for a “3 hour” massage, let’s spend about 15 minutes on the couch, 180 full minutes (3 full hours) on the table, then the ending, then the shower, then the couch. Basically close to 4 hours ($450). By the way, I might not have mentioned that I do indeed follow as an approximate guide the modern system of dividing the body into 6 parts (1. Neck and higher. 2. Left arm / hand / fingers. 3. Right arm / hand / fingers. 4. Left leg / foot / toes. 5 Right leg / foot / toes. 6. Back side. However, I will adjust my session to fit your likes and dislikes. When I am on the table for 2 hours, I like more than a full hour on just my upper back!! Here is a little-known secret. Many gals are “clock watchers” who can’t wait to get you out the door, often in 10 to 15 minutes. Other gals are “clock watchers” who will kick you out the door at about the 50 minute mark because they have another appointment coming exactly 1 hour after your time started. Yet other gals are “clock watchers” who will kick you out at precisely the 59th minute – feeling you got an hour. I am a different kind of “clock watcher”. I watch the clock continuously so I know when to move from one section to another. I look at the clock about like this: For each full 60 minutes (1 full hour) on the table, I divide the body into 6 parts and monitor our time as follows. [Keep in mind you must multiply these numbers by 2 for a 2-hour session or by 3 for a 3-hour session.] First, 2 minutes on the upper neck muscles, 2 minutes on the scalp, 5 minutes on the face, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion session. (10 minutes elapsed) Then, 2 minutes on the upper left arm, 2 minutes on the lower left arm, 5 minutes on the left hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 20 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper right arm, 2 minutes on the lower right arm, 5 minutes on the right hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 30 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper left leg, 2 minutes on the lower left leg, 5 minutes on the left foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 40 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper right leg, 2 minutes on the lower right leg, 5 minutes on the right leg, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 50 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper back, 2 minutes on the lower back, 2 minutes on the legs, 2 minutes on the upper leg muscle connections, 1 minute on the butt muscles, and 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 60 minutes) That makes for about 26 separate “mini-sessions”. That sounds a bit compulsive, doesn’t it? But guess what? That means that I follow a precise schedule, a precise routine. Have you been watching the Olympics? All the athletes are obsessed with time!!!!!!! They are precise. They are exact. So am I. I am flexible!! If you want more time on the hands with less on the feet, I’ll adjust the times. I personally would opt for 50 minutes on the upper back with 10 minutes for the rest of the body! Perhaps you would like to spend some of the table time touching me the ways I touched you. Perhaps you will want to put me on the table for some of the time. Would you like to divide each 60-minute block into 2 parts: perhaps 45 minutes you on the table, 15 minutes me on the table? I will enjoy every minute of that! (But no penetration of my private areas, please.) Here is a little secret that you may have noticed. Many body rub specialists are a bit “helter-skelter” – they go back and forth from one area to another with no clear pattern. They have no system. They just touch randomly. They don’t set time limits for particular areas. As a result, they give a “complete body rub” in about 10 minutes! Of course, anyone could do that! But the result is not pleasing. It is unsettling. It is not satisfying. My system makes the time go by very. One hour on the table will fly by very. Two hours on the table will fly by. Three hours on the table – nice! I am a pre-med student. As such, I am absolutely certain that if we stick to my ideas, you will have a wonderful time and there will be no chance of me becoming and no chance of either of us spreading any social spread diseases from one to the other. Did you know that 80% of all adults over the age of 21 in the United States has at least 1 such disease? That means that if you kiss just one adult over the age of 21, you have an 80% chance of contracting at least one socially spread disease!! Kiss one girl who is a service provider who allows the exchange of body fluids (even just kissing) and your chances are probably about 99.99% likely to contract at least one socially spread disease!! I am a 100% safe body rub provider!! You will not contract any socially spread diseases from me!! But you are extremely likely to have the greatest body rub thrills you’ll ever have! More Photos: Text: 954-861-8056 (Best Way to Reach Me) Email: (2nd Best Way to Reach Me) Voice Message: 954-861-8056 (3rd Best Way to Reach Me) Phone: 954-861-8056 (Worst Way to Reach Me) SUMMARY: 1 HOUR SESSION: [Remember, you can alter the times per section] 2 minutes on the upper neck muscles, 2 minutes on the scalp, 5 minutes on the face, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion session. (10 minutes elapsed) 2 minutes on the upper left arm, 2 minutes on the lower left arm, 5 minutes on the left hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 20 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper right arm, 2 minutes on the lower right arm, 5 minutes on the right hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 30 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper left leg, 2 minutes on the lower left leg, 5 minutes on the left foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 40 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper right leg, 2 minutes on the lower right leg, 5 minutes on the right foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 50 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper back, 2 minutes on the lower back, 2 minutes on the legs, 2 minutes on the upper leg muscle connections, 1 minute on the butt muscles, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 60 minutes) After that 60 minute session of near-therapeutic touching, let's go to the sensuous touching, which looks like this: 6 minutes of gentle scratching, as follows: 1 minute of gentle scratching on the back of the neck and above, 1 minute of gentle scratching on the left arm and hand and fingers, 1 minute of gentle scratching on the right arm and hand and fingers, 1 minute of gentle scratching on the left leg and foot and toes, 1 minute of gentle scratching on the right leg and foot and toes, 1 minute of gentle scratching on the back and butt and legs. And then 6 minutes of super gentle touching, as follows: 1 minute of super gentle touching on the back of the neck and above, 1 minute of super gentle touching on the left arm and hand and fingers, 1 minute of super gentle touching on the right arm and hand and fingers, 1 minute of super gentle touching on the left leg and foot and toes, 1 minute of super gentle touching on the right leg and foot and toes, 1 minute of super gentle touching on the back and butt and legs. AND THEN FOR THE GRAND FINALE! NO DESCRIPTION NEEDED! But I know that you have your own special way of pleasing yourself and you would receive the greatest pleasure if I imitated that way precisely. So I will ask you questions! If you only use your right hand, you will want me to only use my right hand – and my right hand must come from the same direction and location as your own right hand would be coming. If you use upward motions, you will want me to use upward motions! If you use a twisting motion, you will want me to use a twisting motion. But I know that you have your own special way of pleasing yourself and you would receive the greatest pleasure if I imitated that way precisely. So I will ask you questions! If you only use your right hand, you will want me to only use my right hand – and my right hand must come from the same direction and location as your own right hand would be coming. If you use upward motions, you will want me to use upward motions! If you use a twisting motion, you will want me to use a twisting motion. Every man has his own special way of pleasing himself. Every woman has her own special way of pleasing herself. Every one does. You do. I do. We all do. We all want it done our way. That requires an exchange of information. If you really want the restaurant to prepare your meal the exact way you want it prepared, you will need to exchange that information with the server. They can not guess what you want and they do not have any special ESP powers. It is the same between you and I: an exchange of information is the best way to get THE GRAND FINALE done the way you want THE GRAND FINALE to get done. I love the fabulous excitement of going to watch fireworks. And of course the highlight is always THE GRAND FINALE. The explosions are so powerful they rock the ground! But seeing THE GRAND FINALE all by itself without the events that lead up to it would not be the same. Even with fireworks, the events that lead up to THE GRAND FINALE are what make THE GRAND FINALE even better! We have all the foreshadowing of a classic Shakespearian play. And we know exactly what is coming, yet the suspense and drama leading up to the climax keep us on the edge! Shakespeare toys with us. He plays with our emotions. He brings us up and down at will. He teases us. I follow his example. I imitate the things he does. AND I LOVE TO TEASE! I can tease almost to a torture! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! A hot towel compress! Perhaps the use of a hair dryer to dry off after? Or a dry towel? Would you like a shower? 2 HOUR SESSIONS CAN BE DONE IN EITHER OF 2 WAYS: METHOD 1: DO 2 CONSECUTIVE 1-HOUR SESSIONS. THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS METHOD IS THAT IT ALLOWS THE CLIENT TO FOCUS THE SECOND HOUR ON THE PARTS THAT FELT BEST. METHOD 2: DOUBLE THE TIME INCREMENTS FOR EACH OF THE 1-HOUR ELEMENTS. THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS: 2 HOUR SESSION: [Remember, you can alter the times per section] 4 minutes on the upper neck muscles, 4 minutes on the scalp, 10 minutes on the face, 2 minutes to “summarize” that portion session. (20 minutes elapsed) 4 minutes on the upper left arm, 4 minutes on the lower left arm, 10 minutes on the left hand, 2 minutes to “summarize” that portion of the session. (20 minutes elapsed, total 40 minutes) 4 minutes on the upper right arm, 4 minutes on the lower right arm, 10 minutes on the right hand, 2 minutes to “summarize” that portion of the session. (20 minutes elapsed, total 60 minutes) 4 minutes on the upper left leg, 4 minutes on the lower left leg, 10 minutes on the left foot, 2 minutes to “summarize” that portion of the session. (20 minutes elapsed, total 80 minutes) 4 minutes on the upper right leg, 4 minutes on the lower right leg, 10 minutes on the right foot, 2 minutes to “summarize” that portion of the session. (20 minutes elapsed, total 100 minutes) 4 minutes on the upper back, 4 minutes on the lower back, 4 minutes on the legs, 4 minutes on the upper leg muscle connections, 2 minutes on the butt muscles, 2 minutes to “summarize” that portion of the session. (20 minutes elapsed, total 120 minutes) After that 120 minute session of near-therapeutic touching, let's go to the sensuous touching, which looks like this: 12 minutes of gentle scratching, as follows: 2 minutes of gentle scratching on the back of the neck and above, 2 minutes of gentle scratching on the left arm and hand and fingers, 2 minutes of gentle scratching on the right arm and hand and fingers, 2 minutes of gentle scratching on the left leg and foot and toes, 2 minutes of gentle scratching on the right leg and foot and toes, 2 minutes of gentle scratching on the back and butt and legs. And then 12 minutes of super gentle touching, as follows: 2 minutes of super gentle touching on the back of the neck and above, 2 minutes of super gentle touching on the left arm and hand and fingers, 2 minutes of super gentle touching on the right arm and hand and fingers, 2 minutes of super gentle touching on the left leg and foot and toes, 2 minutes of super gentle touching on the right leg and foot and toes, 2 minutes of super gentle touching on the back and butt and legs. AND THEN FOR THE GRAND FINALE! NO DESCRIPTION NEEDED! [But see the description above for some ideas!] AND THEN FOR THE HOT TOWEL COMPRESS! [See above.] AND AFTER ALL THAT? What then? Maybe a few minutes on the couch to wind down and digest just what happened to you! And then time to reenter the real world once again. DONATIONS: Dinner Date only: $350 DONATIONS: "1-Hour" Body Rub Session Only (lasts 1.5 hours): $200 DONATIONS: "2-Hour" Body Rub Session Only (lasts 2.5 hours): $350 DONATIONS: "3-Hour" Body Rub Session Only (lasts 3.5 hours): $450 DONATIONS: Dinner Date and A "1-Hour" Body Rub Session: $550 DONATIONS: Dinner Date and A "2-Hour" Body Rub Session: $650 erotic rub,nake massage,nuru massage,miami adult massage,erotic full body massage near me,erotic massage in my area,erotic massahe near me,786-948-3558,exotic massages,786-904-1088

Cathy -- Beautiful, Mature Woman with Black Hair, Soft Curvy Body, Offers a Fantasy Experience! - 47

I have now been posting on BackPage for 4 weeks. During that time I have met many of the nicest people imaginable. One day I opened the door and there stood the most handsome man I have ever seen. He taught me the art of the body slide – a purely pleasurable experience that I will never forget! I would like to say thank you to that one particular man and to all of you who have taught me new things. I have learned so much that it has been hard to take it all in. I thought that would be the highlight of my career. But I have been shocked to find that more exceptionally handsome men have knocked on my door! Most of you who have been on the other side of the door when I opened it have said that I am even more beautiful than my photos suggest. And many of you have said that my body is even more perfect than my photos suggest. I want to thank all of you – you make me feel good about myself! I have had more fun during the last 3 weeks than I would be able to describe in writing! When I started, I didn’t know what to expect. I was very unsure of myself and even more unsure of who would appear. Now I know: I can expect the gentlemen who call from BackPage to be very nice, upscale, kind gentlemen who are well-mannered and polite, just like my friends told me! I have been completely shocked to find that not only have I met exceptionally handsome men, but also that I have found myself very attracted to them on many levels. And I have been completely shocked by the amount of fun I have been having. I just love when a gentleman says, “Okay, now it’s your turn on the table.” And on Sunday, June 13, 2010, the most intense man that ever knocked on my door arrived!! Wow!! Okay, let’s be honest: how can a lady ever top an afternoon with Sean Connery? Or how can a lady ever top an afternoon when she and her gentleman caller virtually ravish each other in the kitchen and can BAREly make headway to the table? Those two afternoons were certainly great, and to top those two would be difficult to explain. So I won’t describe the details, but let’s just say that the word intense is a good start! I had a little bit of training in the art before I started. I didn’t think anyone would think I was great at this. But several of you have told me that I provided the greatest body rub you had ever received! That makes me even more determined to learn more and more and become better and better. Some of you like touches that range from delicate to soft to mild to firm to hard, at rates that vary from slow to fast I have strong hands with smooth skin, so I can match your needs perfectly. Expect me to ask you what you like, because I aim to please. I know this: this is the most fun I have ever had in my life! I enjoy meeting you, talking to you, pleasing you, and being pleased by you!! I can have a glass of wine and relax fully in your company. Anyone who thinks this is a “job” or “work” has a bad attitude! This is pure fun! What I thought this “job” would be about is not what it is about. This is more about making a human connection than it is about “sex”. With one gentleman, just holding hands was the most important part; for another gentleman, just talking about his marital problems was the most important part. You have helped me understand the mistakes that so many of the other Body Rub girls make – not being a good listener, not delivering the kind of touch that is wanted, not being sincerely interested, and not wanting to be touched in return. Personally, I don’t see how I could ever make any of those mistakes. I just love this too much!! I thought I was quiet and shy, but I have learned how to make new friends and share our lives’ stories. One gentlemen told me that the thing he perhaps liked the most about me was that I genuinely interested in him as a person and also in the pleasure that he provided to me!! He had the best touches imaginable. And at my “old” age of 47, I learned that I can have multiple moments of explosion myself. Can you imagine learning that? What does it take to make a body rub GREAT for you? For each person, it is probably something a little different! So the only way to be sure what you like is to ask you what you like. I am learning a lot about what you might like because I am learning a lot about what men like in general. But I want to be sure, so I'll ask you some questions. And I have learned something very important – many of you like to touch me just as much as I like to touch you! Yes, I absolutely love to enjoy receiving a great body rub just as much as you do! So please don’t hesitate to ask. I would never have guessed that you might like to give me a great body rub, and I would never have guessed that I would love receiving one! And just as much as you want to satisfied at the end, so do I! Now I can see why the words “mutual” are so important. What do you want? Of course, we need to start with soft hands! But strong hands also. You probably like some areas to have a gentle touch, some a medium touch, and some a firm touch. And sometimes slow, sometimes medium, and sometimes fast. Some areas soft and slow, other areas fast and firm. You probably know that most ladies concentrate on the back. I have had a little bit of professional training and have a much different idea. I like to start with you on your back for almost the whole time. That is so that I can start with your face (and head and neck). Your face has the most nerve endings of any area in the entire body and therefore should receive the most attention. And yet I have found that almost no one who has visited me has ever had his face rubbed before!! I think that is silly. Also, your face has more muscles than any other area of your body, and your jaw muscle is the strongest muscle (ounce per ounce) of your entire body. And let’s understand a simple point: you are coming to see me for erotic pleasures, not a “professional massage”. A gentleman can visit a licensed, professionally trained “masseuse” and get a proper “massage” for about $60 an hour. We ladies on BackPage provide a different service. We are not “licensed” so we do not provide “massages”. Instead, we provide “body rubs”. Our touches are often soothing, but especially our touches are sensuous. Our touches might be just as soothing as those of a professional, licensed masseuse and might do just as good a job of relaxing your muscles. But that is not our only goal – we also have a larger goal of delivering touches that arose the sensuous passions! After the face (and head and neck), I like to move on to each arm and hand. Your hands have the most nerve endings after your face. And I find that many of you have never had a great hand rub! Let’s correct that deficiency right now! Your hands will love my touches. My touches relax your hand muscles while providing sensuous stimulation. Next I will move on to each leg and foot. After the face and hands, your feet have the most nerve endings. So let’s provide them appropriate attention! Ticklish? Don’t worry, there is a simple secret: increase the pressure and the ticklish sensations go away. Only now will I ask you to turn onto your stomach so I can rub your back. Sure, everyone “thinks” the back is the most important area of the body. But let’s be serious – you probably have not been outside carrying 100 pound rolls of roofing material up a 40-foot ladder all day, have you? You probably have a professional job – doctor, lawyer, stock-broker, etc. You probably don’t have a blue collar job. Your back probably has the same muscle tensions as the average secretary!! Yes, of course I know how to properly rub a back and I will do so. But it comes nearly last on my list because it has so few nerve endings and is rarely sore!! Yes, finally, you know what is coming. I’ll ask you to flip over onto your back. You’ll know what’s next. But maybe we’ll add the surprise of a body slide!! Or better yet: maybe you’ll ask me if I’d like to lie down on the table and be on the receiving end! Maybe you would like to see me in a moment of erotic pleasure before receiving your own moment of erotic pleasure. Let’s add an extra half hour -- FREE -- to each session so we can talk more and get to know each other better! This is between ME and YOU. We are consenting adults. If we want to have serious fun, we need to be completely comfortable with each other. We need to take time to get to know each other as friends. Let’s not rush!! Let’s take our time and do this the right way. My name is Catherine, but you can call me Cathy, please. I am 47 years old and stand 5’ 8” tall when I wear shoes and now weigh 148 pounds, with long thick black hair way past my shoulders, green/hazel eyes, and a beautiful face. I have a voluptuous build – large and natural D Cups and perfectly sized hips. I have been watching my weight lately and have lost a few pounds. I am not “slender”, but I certainly am not “thick” anymore! These are of course my “glamour” photos! They were taken a couple years ago. But I am literally a very, very beautiful woman – every man without exception guesses my age as being in the 30s, not the 40s. I still look almost exactly like my photos (except that I have a real face, not a black square)!! I still need to keep my privacy. When I meet you, I will be wearing one of these outfits under my robe. As I rub you, your job will be to convince me to allow you to untie my rob and slowly let it fall, then my black outfit! (Not much convincing needed!) I think that the slow, strip-tease approach is the most sensually stimulating art! One piece at a time, slowly teasing the visual senses, slowing suggesting what lies beneath. I had decided to post an ad in the body rub section because that is the type of service I wish to offer. I decided to offer body rubs because I love to touch men’s bodies!! Also, I have heard from some friends that the body rub section has two added benefits: first, the gentlemen are very sociable and like to talk and have interesting conversations and get to know each other. This is especially easy to do when a "1 hour" session typically lasts for "1 hour and a half" or longer. Second, there are no risks of disease for anyone!! For these reasons, I am completely into full body sensuous massage!! I get to meet new friends, I have no risks of disease, and I get pleasure as well as give it! I only wish that I had known 20 years ago about this! Personally, I think that it is very, very important to communicate well. I want to get to know you on a personal level and hopefully you will feel the same way. I think that getting to know each other, through talking, is a lot of the fun! When I meet you at the door, I turn off my phone. I would ask you to do the same, but I know that you might have a very important call calling in! I am very serious. I want to be successful. And to that requires that I treat you like a king! I will do everything I possibly can do to make sure you have such a wonderful experience so that you will return to see me and not want to see anyone new. I want a 100% return rate!! I ask for a donation of $200 for 1 hour, but I have found that 1 hour isn’t really quite enough time to get completely comfortable in everything we want to do, so I add an extra half hour free so we can both enjoy ourselves fully. In an hour and a half, you will enjoy yourself very much! Sometimes even that one and a half hours goes by quickly and turns into 2 full hours. But if we are having fun, why should we rush? With all that time, we can spend some time having a glass of wine and talking and getting to know each other before we even start. Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which I ask for a donation. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. My place is very private. I am in a private location where the parking lot is invisible. I don’t have any roommates. I always have clean linens on my table. I can use an unscented oil if you like, or I can even use no oil if you prefer. You may take a shower after if you like. You can reach me at 954-366-5696. I am looking forward to meeting you. Cathy P.S. After we have met once, we can talk about going out on a “date” or even a visit to a local swinger’s club!! Yes, I am getting a bit more adventurous, having met some of the most wonderful gentlemen imaginable in South Florida the last four weeks! I had such a life-altering experience at Deenie’s Hideaway that I am actually anxious to return!! ts escort tokyo,erotic massa,happy ending massage florida,ts escort in tulsa,happy end massage miami,erotic message near me,ts escorts in florida,how to find massage with happy ending,dirty massage,erotic. massage

Open Up A Whole New World. Explore Your Last Unfulfilled Fantasy. Let a Beautiful Lady Lead the Way. - 42

954-865-6513 [Yes, you may elect the option of seeing only her!] [Charles answers the phone so don't be shy about talking to him first.] Gentlemen -- We just love certain particular fantasies and pleasures. These are the certain particular fantasies and pleasures that we love: the ones that require 1 woman, her regular boyfriend, and one new man -- you!! You have probably seen some movies -- the kind that has more than just 1 "X" -- which illustrate these certain particular fetishes quite nicely. Two men, one woman. One very, very beautiful woman and 2 men. (And who cares what the men look like!! Only one particular part of the men is relevant in these moves!!) We are an attractive white couple. She is very beautiful (blonde, 42 -- just turned -- 140 pounds). As you may see in the photos, she has absolutely fabulous legs -- somewhat unique, one-of-a-kind legs. When you see them in real life you'll understand just how wonderful they are! She has clear, unblemished, smooth skin. He is average (gray hair, 57, 185 pounds), but who cares about him? He has the one thing that is necessary: a huge pleasure machine. [Her photos are studio/glamour and photo-shopped, but she really, truly is that beautiful in real life. Can send face photo to your phone or email.] He is patient and experienced. Both of us have slow, gentle touches, rising to fast and aggressive when desired. Both of us have high drives and like to please our partners. Both of us are clean and disease and drug free. We truly deliver a fabulous 2-hour experience that is literally unequalled for its sheer sensual pleasure. She is super-high energy and super long-lasting. She can be quite vigorous. She is absolutely the most wonderful lady for pleasing a man Charles has ever met. You will be completely satisfied with her. YOU WILL NOT OUTLAST HER! Have you ever had a fetish or a fantasy that involved two men pleasing a woman at the same time? Did you get some ideas from watching some of those videos? Do you ever daydream about being submissive? About being in a cuckold situation? Have you ever had a bi-curious fantasy? Have you ever had thoughts about touching a man while the man was pleasing his girlfriend, or perhaps about a man touching you while you were pleasing his girlfriend? It is not easy to find a situation where you have virtually unlimited play-time with a very, very beautiful woman and her man -- especially with a very well endowed man!! It may be that after 30 years of being with a woman thousands upon thousands of times, you want something else, something different. It may be that that after watching thousands of hours of videos with women and men doing wild things, you want to try something else. If this is something that you have had fantasies about, but perhaps have not been able to live out or perhaps only rarely or a long time ago, then this may be the right opportunity for you. You probably have a few ideas about how to many your fantasies come to life for you. We realize that your wife or girlfriend is probably not agreeable to allowing you to experiment with new and different experiences -- not with another woman, not with a man. Many wives are from the old school. Even worse, many wives don't understand that after 30 or so years having the same old same old can be a bit boring to their husbands! And girlfriends are even more so! Let's be realistic: no wife or girlfriend is going to give you a 2-hour body rub together with another woman or man!! They say that men have "mid-life" crises. That simply is wrong. The two real problems are these. First, wives hit menopause and lose interest; this drives their husbands in search of other women. Second, men get bored with 30 years of the same old same old and want something new. Neither one constitutes something going wrong with the men and in fact neither is a crisis from the man's viewpoint -- quite the contrary, the man is overjoyed at being able to have fantasies fulfilled for the first time in many years! Not a crisis at all. We provide bi pleasures in a safe, sane way, with a real woman/man couple that is dedicated to satisfying your wants. After all, we get our fantasies satisfied whenever we want! We are that one special couple that can open up a new world for you. We know that it is almost impossible for a man to figure out how to safely get into the lifestyle of bi-sexual fun without a good guide. That is why we posted here and why we hope you will be a perfect match for us. We know that it isn't easy for a guy to initiate such an endeavor. You can't ask a co-worker if you can join him and his wife in bed one night!! You can't walk into a bar and pick up a couple! And everything else gets even more difficult and complicated! We also know that guys would prefer to have a woman present, as doing things with other guys seems too "gay". The main idea is this: being with a beautiful woman and having fun with her, while at the same time having a way to explore bi fantasies! We are looking for someone exactly like you -- someone who wants to experiment with the possibilities that involve a man and a woman at the same time. We are a completely real couple -- one woman, one man, both highly driven. We don’t have a website. We offer a safe, sane, gentle introduction into the alternative lifestyle of two men with one woman. We offer an opportunity for you to tell us your fantasy, then get it fulfilled. We are as real as life gets. Our goal is to meet and have a session of unlimited touching and pleasure-giving of every nature dedicated to satisfying your fantasies. We want all 3 of us to have multiple moments of erotic pleasure, and to each walk away saying, “Wow. I can’t wait until we all get together again.” This is an opportunity to satisfy the simple fantasies of mutual touching to the more complex fantasies -- just about unlimited in nature! This is what we are looking for – a man who wants a safe, gentle introduction to the world of bi pleasures or a man who really wants the best mutual bi body rub ever offered and an opportunity to satisfy some fantasies like the ones in the videos! Someone who can spend the time it takes to really have tons of fun. Not just a quick “Slam, Bam, Thank You Ma’am” experience and run out to his car. Our idea of a safe, gentle introduction looks like this. You come to visit us or we come to visit you. We will both greet you and we will all sit for a while talking to get to know each other a little bit. Then, she will will give you about 20 to 25 minutes of a professional-grade body rub. Then you and she will swap places. You will give her about 20 to 25 minutes of your best body rub! We envision that this step will last about 60 minutes. When you are very, very comfortable with her and ready to move to the next step, she will invite Charles into the room. We will divide this next step into 3 parts: first, you and Charles will give her about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of you on each side. Then, she and Charles will give you about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of us on each side. Then, you and she will give Charles about 10 minutes of a body rub, with one of you on each side. By the end of this second step, about 90 minutes have passed. Now we will go to the next step. All 3 of us can occupy the bed at the same time and let happen those things that will satisfy your fantasies. By this time, all 3 of us should be comfortable with each other and we should all be ready to move to this next stage. This is your once-in-a-lifetime to get your fantasies fulfilled, so don’t be too shy to tell us what you have in mind!! We believe that 120 minutes – 2 hours – is about the right amount of time that it will take for you to become slowly comfortable with each step. We believe that by focusing the first hour between you and her, you will understand that this is primarily a straight encounter between you and a beautiful woman but with a chance to satisfy bi fantasies. Our time together takes about 2 hours. No rushing. Just pure bliss. Why? Because this may well be a once in a lifetime experience for you. This may change everything you have ever thought you knew about these kinds of pleasures. This is not the time or place to rush. You should be a little nervous when you walk through our door -- we should be too! You don't know us, we don't know you, and we are all about to get really wild together! You should need a little time to adjust to her first, then adjust to him next. Baby steps. Go a little extra distance with each step. If you walked through the door and we all jumped into the thick of things, you might be really nervous and "chicken out"! We provide the fantasy of the greatest experience you could want. If you have ever been to a service provider, you know that it takes a few minutes to chill out, to get over that feeling of apprehension and nervousness. By the time you are in the groove, it is time to go. Not with us. With us you will truly have the most luxurious session offered in South Florida. You’ll never look for a provider ever again!! Even if you decide the bi experience is not for you, you will want to return to see her time and time again -- she is that beautiful and that good! We do not undertake any sessions under 2 hours. This is because we feel we have a good way to proceed that will work! We know this will work for you as well as for us. We love to touch men's bodies, and we love to be touched in return! We have fine tuned our techniques to make you feel more and more comfortable one step at a time. We also understand that because she is so beautiful you may prefer to see only her! That is okay. NOTE: We do not accept emails or text messages from this post. We do not respond to emails or to text messages at all, as there are so many spams and scams. CALL US AT 954-865-6513. Almost always Charles answers the phone; once in a great while she answers the phone. So please don’t be surprised who answers the phone! Discretion assured. We do not accept calls from blocked, restricted, or private numbers. NOTE: Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which we ask for a donation. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of choice between consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. 954-865-6513 2 Hours 2 People -- 1 Man and 1 Woman [OR JUST HER] 00 at our place, $400 at your place. miami adult massage,hapoy ending massage,exotix massage,where to get an erotic massage,nuru nassage near me,craigslist torrance,tampa ts escort,masajes eroticos en homestead fl,massage places miami,massage brickell miami

Celeste is here to put a little SPICE in your life Today to last you all week 786-227-4678 - 28

Experience my hands of warmth tonight as I relax every inch of your body! Only my hands will melt you like butter. Call Celeste if you like it a little on the "SPICY" side. 786-227-4678 massage places miami,ts escorts tokyo,extoic massage near me,erotic massages newr me,new asian massage near me,free rubmaps,miami erotic massages,south beach erotic massage,nuru erotic massage near me,masajes happy ending

ღ Outcall Sensual Massage - Classy Exotic 36D-23-36 Beauty ღ

Relaxing Rubdown Sensual and Therapeutic Massage Be pampered and completely relaxed in the strong yet soft skinned hands of a professionally trained, exquisitely exotic angel. Enjoy a full body therapeutic Swedish, sensual or combination session while all other senses are soothed by mellow music and beautifully scented oils with this nurturing and caring certified therapist. As an international fitness model, health and overall well-being are a part of her daily life and should be a part of yours too! "Total relaxation is the ultimate goal in our time together." With full pouty lips, satin-like caramel skin, taut 36D-23-36 curves, and standing at 5'8", this sultry bronze skinned, intoxicating beauty is just as relaxing to the eye and will surely melt your heart. Reina is an independent bodyrub therapy provider in the South Florida area. Also available for long term and travel engagements as well. Spoil yourself today! $200 HR Tribute: Therapeutic & Light Touch $250 HR Tribute: Therapeutic, Light Touch, Thai Bodyslide Full Body Relaxation - Make An Appointment Now Constantly imitated; from text advert to stolen photos. The down side of being the best. Accept no imitations. ~ "Reina" tantra miami outcall sensual massage west palm beach rubown, fort lauderdale sensual full body massage, nude rubdown, topless massage, asian, spanish, latina , black, ebony, natural busty model, hot oil body rub, nude thai massage, florida tantra, body to body massage, body2body massage, delray, coral gables, pompano beach, hollywood, atlanta sensual massage, d.c. tantric massage, washington, virginia, alexandria, charlotte,erotic massage, licensed masseuse, body2body nude body-to-body topless blond blonde natural curvy tall certified licensed, prostate massage tantric nude massage boca raton independent dd atl indo natural real blonde actual accurate brunette brazilian tall mature nude massage table tantra tantrika escort erotic massage place near me,305.967.8173,masajes eroticos near me,nutu massage near me,massage south beach miami fl,eros escort miami,adult massage near ne,erotic mesage,miami beach erotic massage,erotic massages near me

*** CUM ! CUM ! CUM ! *** 2 C The BEST SEDUCTRESS " ALEXXXA " *** The " Cuban Queen " !!! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey in meeting such dashing gentlemen......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. erotic massagge,massage in miami,full body massage miami fl,massage nude near me,erotic. assage,miami beach erotic massage,arotic massage,masajes con final feliz en miami,asian erotic message,nuru massages miami

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*** *** Cuban Red Light Special *** *** ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alea". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "" but I am "The One & Only ALEA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alea's" .....stays at "Alea's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of 200 for one full hour for body rub getaway or 400 for all inclusive dream package This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. erotic maddage,sexy erotic massage,rub maps miami,erotic massage centers near me,eroctic massages,massage eroticos,erotix massage,erotic massage miami beach,erotic massage miami,orlando ts escorts

*** COTTON CANDY? * CHERRY? * STRAWBERRY? * WHAT DO I TASTE Like 2Day ?? " ALEXXXA " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey in meeting such dashing gentlemen......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for FIVE hours. adult exotic massage,erotic massage south beach,rubmap miami,exotic massage,exotic rubs,naked massage places,exotic massage parlors,erotic bodyrub near me,exotic masage,massages exoticos

*** EROTIC *** EXOTIC *** GOOD ENOUGH 2 EAT *** " ALEXXXA " The Cuban Queen ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for five hours. ts escorts in jax,erptic massage near me,adult massage florida,erotic message near me,excotic massage near me,errotic massages,erotic bodyrub near me,hot erotic massages,adult erotic massage near me,adult massage place near me

***ENJOY " ALEXXXA'S " *** WHERE THE CUSTOMER Always " CUMS " First !!!!! :) !! :) - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for five hours. 7869481768,eroitc massage near me,erotic massa,erostische massage,exrotic massages,exotic massges,24 hour erotic massage,erotic massage near m,nuru nassage near me,erotic massage ner me

Rocker Girl Looking for Some Fun!

So.. I know I look innocent by I'm more a rocker girl than a Miley kinda girl. You will see I have a crazy wild side that will make you really go crazy. I'm trying to get some friends here to help me and also support my addiction... :) Talk to you on video chat soon, i want to know you are a real man... if you are, I'll show you I'm real girl!My Information asian massage ts lucy,eeotic massages,butterfly asian massage,extoic massage near me,best erotic massage,dirty massages,where can i get an erotic massage,5319 sw 8th street miami,erotic massges near me,nuru massage south beach

S E N S U A L Dominaering Introduction to TOYS - 29


**** EROTIC *** EXOTIC **** GOOD ENOUGH 2 EAT **** " ALEXXXA " the Cuban Queen !!!!!!!! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. dirty massage,erotic massage miami beach,adult erotic massages,escorts in schaumburg,erotic masages,7869481768,ero massage near me,asian massage happy ending,massage intim,miami fbsm

***GRAND OPENING *** l*** HOT LATINA & BLONDE BABES 954-583-5514 - 22

*** GRAND OPENING*** * $59 1 hour special * ***HALF HOUR SPECIALS ALSO AVAILABLE*** * Come in today for your total Relaxation & Incredible body rub * * Available from 11am-11pm * * Hot & Sexy Spanish/Blonde/Russian Girls--ALL EXOTIC Girls--* * Discreet and Clean * * 100% Real Photos * * Located on St. Rd. 7 just north of 595--West side of the street * * 1847 South St. Rd. 7 Ft Laud, FL 33317 *FT * CALL 954-583-5514 foot massage miami florida,nide massage,nuru madsage near me,happy ending massagr,massage bodyrub,massage miami florida,eeotic massages,miami adult massage,new asian massage near me,chinese massage erotic

Early Morning Specials🍒Sexy Girl Next Door💋 - 26

Hello Gentlemen, Are you looking for a toe curling good time to relieve some of that weekday stress? Come spend some time with me and I will leave you begging to come back for more! I'm your girl next door with a kinky side and lots of other surprises! I'm available now for incall Call or text:(954)702-9919 ✔100% independent ✔Unrushed Service ✔No Clock Watching ✔Upscale Incall nuru massage miami,ts escorts in florida,elite body rub miami,erotic massage kendall,asian massage south beach,excotic massages,erotic maddage,erotic masages near me,tsescort okc,asian heaven massage

Safe, Body Rubs!! - 46

Hello Gentlemen. My name is Liz. Please allow me to introduce myself to you. I am a 46-year old woman in perfect physical condition. I stand 5’ 8” tall and weigh just 125 to 130 pounds. I have a classic 36-26-36 hourglass figure. I work out a lot to stay in that perfect condition and I eat healthy foods! I do not smoke, consume alcohol, or use drugs (illegal or prescription!). I am disease and drug free and I want to keep my body healthy for many years to come. Many of you gentlemen are also disease and drug free and would like to stay that way for many years to come!!!! I can not eat healthy foods for you and I can not exercise for you. Those things are up to you. But there is one thing I can do for you -- I can give you the best body rub you could want with a 100% guarantee of not passing on any diseases!!! The best thing about a body rub is of course the pure sensual pleasure. A great body rub provides more pleasurable stimulation to more nerve endings than any other human activity. Yes, that one special activity feels great, but let's be real: that rarely lasts more than a few minutes. Never a full hour or one and one half hours!! A great body rub can last for a very, very long time!! The second best thing about a body rub is that it offers a 100% guarantee that no diseases will be transmitted. The absolute last thing any man wants is to contract a disease while having some fun on the side!! And let's be realistic: any other form of such sensual pleasure other than touching with hands has a risk of such disease. Most STDs can be transmitted by saliva. Even saliva that touches a tiny cut on a leg can be enough. And those silly covers men try to wear to protect their most valuable body part can not offer a 100% guarantee. And every man who is having fun must have a 100% guarantee. Not 90% -- if you have only a 10% risk of infection, that would mean that if you visit 10 times, you are probably doomed! Did you read the statistics that were published last week about STDs in America? They are frightening to say the least. I have none. I can not pass any to you. In short, body rubs provide more pleasure for a longer period of time than FS or GFE or PSE and have the added benefit of never passing along unwanted diseases!! Many of you gentlemen have scanned through BackPage before! It was certainly an eye-opening experience for me, and perhaps it was for you too when you first came across it. The choices are spectacular. If shopping for boyfriends and husbands had been this easy a few years ago. . . You have so many choices that it should be easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for!! I am writing this description of me to help you decide if I am the right match for you. As I look through all the ads, I am trying to think of how to describe how I find in and what I am like and what I offer. First, I am struck by the fact that I am older than a lot of the other beautiful women who post on BackPage. I am 46. A lot of women are in their 20s. My first thought in that regard is that an ideal match for me is probably someone who is at least 40 years old, with 50s and 60s likely to be a perfect age range for me. Let me explain my reasoning. I know that a mature gentleman in his 40s or 50s or 60s can not make an emotional connection with a lady in her 20s or even 30s. A mature gentleman wants a lady in his own age range. But also a beautiful woman and a well-shaped woman. The problem that gentlemen have with mature women is that most mature women are very heavy and out-of-shape, are too dominant and not willing to put the gentleman’s desires first, and past menopause and into the “I don’t want anything to do with that stuff” phase of life! Not me. I keep myself in perfect shape. I am athletic, slender, and strong. I can go the distance! And I have that high drive that is unique to women in their 40’s. At my age I also understand the likes and needs of men in their 30s. And I know that a lot of men in their 30s like the attention that a slightly older woman can provide to them. I understand younger men, especially those in their late 20s and 30s who want the company of an older woman! You guys ring my bell! I am a mature woman. I have had many gentlemen in my life over the years. I know about the secret fantasy lives of men. I’m not a young woman who is confused or surprised by those fantasies. I know them, and I love them! I am a real, down-to-earth woman! And I know that mere physical touching and physical pleasures are not what is really the most satisfying to a man. It takes a lot more. It takes an emotional connection. You don’t want a cold, emotionless “session” with someone who is “doing a job” like a clerk at WalMart. You want someone who is emotionally invested in you – someone who wants to share things about your life and what you do, your triumphs and successes. And you can only do that with someone who is in your age range. A 40-to-60-year old business executive can not explain his life to a 20-year high school graduate. Not only is there little or no emotional connection between the different generations, there is also no physical connection. Being with someone vastly different in age ranges also means different body types. A man's body at age 20 is one thing, but altogether different at age 40 to 60. The same is true of women; a body changes as it gets older. A man's body at age 20 matches a woman's body at age 18, and a man's body at age 40-to-60 matches a woman's body at age 50. But a man's body at age 40-to-60 just simply does not match a woman's body at age 20! That brings me to my next point. Super thin women are a great fantasy, and great to look at. But not necessarily great to actually play with! A woman who weighs only 100 pounds is likely to have bony arms and knees, bony fingers. Those look nice, but don't necessarily feel nice and can never truly be called cuddly. If you want soft and cuddly, you'll need a woman with a mature body, a body with a few extra pounds – but only a very few extra! You can look at my photos and see me exactly as I am – mature, slender, athletic. You can’t see that unique high drive that lies beneath the surface, but that unique 40’s drive is definitely there and boiling over! Next, I would like to say that I believe in getting together for long periods of time. Let’s sit on the couch and relax for a few minutes. We can have a glass of water or soda (you can have a beer or a glass of wine if you like!) and perhaps some snacks. Let’s make sure we are right for each other! Let’s talk first, have your rub down after! During that special time together, I want you to take a long, long, long time relaxing. No rushing. Just pure bliss. Many men have had “1-Hour” body rubs and know that often they are rushed out the door in 20 minutes! I provide the fantasy of the greatest body rub ever delivered. If you have ever been on a massage table, you know that it takes a few minutes to chill out, to get over that feeling of apprehension and nervousness. By the time you are in the groove, it is time to get off the table. Not with me. With me you will truly have the most luxurious body rub offered in South Florida. You’ll never look for a new body rub provider ever again!! Also, I offer something that no one else can offer. And that is my one-of-a-kind personality. I am exuberant in person, as you will discover! I am playful and cheerful as well, and you will discover that as soon as you call me – yes, that part of my personality reveals itself immediately on the phone! I am Sensual, seductive, and very sexy. Also, I can satisfy in ways that others are not willing to. I can offer a great prostate massage. That being said, let me tell you a little about myself and what I looking for and let you decide for yourself if you want to pursue this further. I have slow, gentle touches, rising to fast and aggressive when desired. I have a high sex drive and like to please my partners in the exact ways they like to be pleased, not merely the way I like to please them! I am clean and disease and drug free. I truly deliver a fabulous 1-hour or 90 minute body rub that is literally unequalled for its sheer sensual pleasure. I am classy, sassy, playful and sensuous. I love to touch men's bodies! I have fine tuned my body rub techniques. In just a few moments with you, I can locate your tension spots. Each body rub is customized to your wants, needs and desires at the moment. Typically, my body rub relaxes and soothes and often allows tight and stressed areas to release and restore. Light passive stretching allows muscles to stretch, thus helping to let tight areas to let go. This allows other painful or tight areas of your body to relax as well. My body rub utilizes the 'whole' body. This experience will entice your physical body, soothe your thoughts and mind, and allow you to enter a realm of complete freedom. This is not just an ordinary full body rub, this is a total body experience combining physical and sensual touch, which keeps your level of sensual feeling prolonged on edge for a long time. I combine the best of all techniques. I will create an atmosphere of intimate, comfortable and relaxing feel. Lay your naked body upon my portable table. Listen to the soft, relaxing music; smell the aromatic fragrances. Find yourself letting go of all obligations as every sense is filled. Feel the massage lotion or oil soothe your muscles, and feel my firm but gentle touches caress every inch of your body. Between therapeutic strokes of my soothing touch. Light feather touches tease the most sensitive areas. Aroused tingles run up your spine, as you lightly feel my hands rub completely over your warm backside. You are relaxed, but your excited body slightly wiggles your hips beneath my warm hands. More soft strokes of my hands slip between your cheeks, and excitement is flowing throughout your body. You feel your excitement against the table, and grind the air with your torso. The feeling is intense, and seems to go on and on. Would you like this to go on and on, or would you rather change things around? Would you like me to lie on the table while you provide a sensuous body rub? I know that most gentlemen love to please their lady as much as they love to be pleased by her! Would you like a prostate massage? I ask this because at some point I realized that what many married men were really looking for was something they couldn’t get from their wives. Many men wanted to be touched from behind and wanted her to use “toys” to please them. They liked the pleasure they associated with that special kind of touching. I am looking for someone exactly like you -- someone who wants the luxury of 1 hour or 90 minutes of being touching, someone who wants an exciting, playful, cheerful, exuberant woman someone new, someone who will do what you want done, someone who is close to your own age, someone who is sensual, sexy, suggestive. I am a completely real woman -- highly driven sexually. I don’t have a website. I offer a safe, sane, gentle introduction into the alternative lifestyle. I offer an opportunity for you to tell me your fantasy, then get it fulfilled. I am as real as life gets. My goal is to meet and have a session of unlimited touching and pleasure-giving of every nature dedicated to satisfying your fantasies. I want you to have multiple moments of erotic pleasure, and to walk away saying, “Wow. I can’t wait until we can get together again.” That is what I am looking for – a man who wants a safe, gentle introduction to the world of being pleased or a man who really wants the best body rub ever offered. Someone who can spend the time it takes to really have tons of fun. Not just a quick “Slam, Bam, Thank You Ma’am” experience and run out to his car. I enjoy receiving gentle, mutual touches from you in return, if you please. NOTE: I do not accept emails from this post. I do not respond to emails or to text messages (my phone doesn’t show them properly) at all, as there are so many spams and scams. CALL ME AT 954-200-1376. Discretion assured. I do not accept calls from blocked, restricted, or private numbers and I do not respond to text messages. I am a phone type person – just call me! NOTE: IF YOU LEAVE A MESSAGE, PLEASE STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER – TWICE, SLOWLY! I can not place your message with a phone number if you do not literally state your phone number. NOTE: Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $300 for 2 full hours, $250 for 1 and 1/2 hours, or $200 for 1 full hour. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of choice between consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. The issue of the donation will not be discussed by email, by text message, over the phone, or in person. I think I have clearly stated what I offer and that there is no need for further discussion. Basically there are 3 choices! All you have to do is to decide for yourself and then call me! columbus ts escorts,massage downtown miami florida,erotic message,body rub search,adult massge,rubrankings miami,real erotic massage,eroric massage,white erotic massage,massage place with happy ending near me

Gina -- Florida's Longest, Most Sensuous Sessions Plus - 48

Gentlemen: Here is the long story made short, a summary of the text that follows below: My name is Gina. I am a beautiful 48-year old woman with very long black hair, green/hazel eyes, a bit of height at 5’ 8”, and a few extra s at about 160. I have all natural D cups -- almost Double Ds -- with nice hips. I love long, sensuous sessions – my hands as well as your hands, your body as well as my body. I love to have my own explosions and a lot of them, and I love for you to have your own explosions and as many of them as you want. I think that the ideal amount of time for a session is 3 hours, but I have had many sessions that last 5, 6 and 7 hours!! My rates start at a minimum of $300 for up to 2 hours and an additional $100 per each additional hour thereafter. I am intelligent and thoughtful and I want to have time together during which we build a friendship that becomes a long-term relationship. No one can do that in a , so if you want a session you really want only one thing – a ! There are plenty of beautiful women who will be glad to provide you with sessions; I am not one of them. I speak English very fluently and very well, but Spanish is actually my primary language! My sessions of course involve s, but my sessions are really about much more than that. My sessions are about giving you the attention you want, the time listening to you that you want, the appreciation that you want, and the romance and passion that you want. My sessions are about making you feeling like a million dollars – as a romantic interest, as a friend, and finally as a object! Gentlemen who read my ad are obviously very intelligent – otherwise, they could not get through that many pages!! Also, gentlemen who call me are interested in a lot more than just a quick one-time fling – they are looking for romance and friendship that will endure. If you are looking for a , look in the Escort section of BackPage for South Florida’s most beautiful accommodating women! My condo is in Pompano Beach, on Lyons Road (46th Avenue) between Atlantic Blvd. and Cypress Creek. My condo is very, very private and it is nice. I have dozens of candles for an exceptionally romantic environment. I would love for you to bring along a nice bottle of wine! Here is the rest of my ad: I have been posting on Backpage since May 13, 2010 and I have learned a lot from you all! On that first day I was extremely nervous and did not know what to expect. Now I am very comfortable – an old hand already. Because I am so comfortable, I can make you feel comfortable also. Please excuse what may appear to be typos – some words are deliberately misspelled herein to avoid censorship. These include words like , hapy, etc. Also, I follow the Winston Churchill view on ending some selected sentences with prepositions, which is to say I am familiar with the technical rules on the subject and follow the rules specifically laid out by the winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature! Not that I would ever aspire to attain “his mastery of historical and biographical description . . . [or his] brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values”, but I do like to use the English language correctly. (My native language is actually Spanish, but I do not approve of the intentional or inadvertent misuse of the English language. We communicate through language, so let’s use the English language properly, please!) To paraphrase Churchill: “The abuse of the English language is an abuse up with which I will not put!” I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. First, I thought that this would be about one thing and one thing only – , of course. After all, I have heard throughout my life that men have only one thing on their minds every minute of every day and night –. I thought this would be a situation where I would open the door and a gentleman would be wanting immediate sexual gratification. Now I know the reality. The reality is more like this. You are reading this ad because you feel an innate need for female companionship. There is something missing in your life. You may be married, but that special romantic passion is not present any more. Your body is pushing you to find a woman with whom to share that special romantic passion once again. It is a basic male need – as basic as the need for air, water, food, shelter, clothing. It is present in you every minute of every day. It drives you. Everything a man does is done to impress a woman so she will be romantically attracted to him (i.e., so she will have with him). In today’s world, men get an education so they can get great jobs so they can impress the women and get rewarded with the special romantic passion (i.e., .) they want. In short, since the beginning of time the main drive in men has been . Men don’t need to think about . It is hormonal. It drives every man every minute of every day. Ultimately, it does involve a male . But I think that a lot more is involved than just that. After all, a man can create his own easily and quickly (and most men do and do often!). There is something more, something “extra”. And that “extra” is the whole point. That “extra” is what drives men to turn to Back Page. It is that “extra” that is everything. That “extra” has been described in many books over the years. I will try to describe it from my point of view from what I have learned since the middle of May. First, not that you are shallow, but you want a woman who is beautiful in the face, with beautiful large breasts, soft skin, a nice butt and long legs (and other nice equipment). That is natural. We all prefer the attractive to the unattractive, so don’t feel that it is inappropriate to prefer an attractive woman. Second, you want a woman who appreciates you for who you are. You want to be appreciated for your accomplishments in life. You want to be with a woman who makes you feel special. You want a woman who thinks you are wonderful for who you are and what you have done. This too is natural to men. Woman don’t usually feel a need to be appreciated in quite the same way. Men feel a basic need to be treated as being competent in what they do. A man feels very vulnerable when his woman fails to appreciate his competence. You want the same 100% acceptance and unconditional love that a newborn baby wants! Third, you want a woman who will pay 100% attention to you when you are together – no interruptions from cell phones, etc. This will become a private universe where no one else exists – just you and me, alone, together. Fourth, you want your physical needs to be met. You want your back scratched! You want your muscles massaged. You want your skin to be soothed. And like every human being – man and woman – you want to have an . The drive toward that is one of the absolutely most basic drives in all of us. It is why you turned to Back Page. Part of your need may be to explore a woman’s body or even to create an in the woman – that is natural, too. Fifth, you want a woman with whom you are comfortable. You want a woman with whom you can talk. You want a woman that is about your own age, because you will share a common history, a common background, a common basis of experiences. You want a woman that speaks your language, went to the same kinds of schools as you did, had the same kinds of friends as you had. You want a woman who looks a bit like you and who thinks a bit like you. Sixth, you want that magical spark of romance and intrigue. We all want it. We all remember forever our first love. We would all like to be able to recreate that once-in-a-lifetime feeling we had then. We all know that a large part of the excitement is the initial conquest. We certainly all know that it is hard to keep that excitement alive in a marriage over the course of years. (And we all know that the easiest way to find it again is to start a relationship.) No man can ever give himself an as good as a woman gives him because all those “extra” things are missing. No human being can ever tickle himself/herself. It just simply can not be done by anyone, ever. In contrast, every human being can create an for himself/herself. But not as good as one created by someone else!! Guess what? I want pretty much the same things you want!! So now let me explain my thoughts on how we should go about this! You should arrive at my front door just like you would for your first date with any beautiful woman – with an expectant attitude that today is going to be one of the best days of your life! If you are romantic, perhaps you will bring a bottle of wine or some flowers or a box of chocolates! I will open the door dressed in the way that you would create in your ideal fantasy – beautiful, hair done nicely, and dressed in one of the lingerie outfits you see in the photos, by an elegant silk robe. (If you would prefer that I meet you at the door in an evening gown or a ladies’ business suit, just let me know!) When the door opens and we see each other for the first time, let it be magical. Of course, I know that you will probably have some nervousness. You are meeting someone new for the first time ever and you do not know what to expect. But even more so you do not know whether to expect that a dozen undercover agents will bust through the door and arrest you or whether all will be as it is stated. I have the same apprehension about you! You have one distinct advantage – I have been reviewed by other gentlemen on other sites. I will assume that you know some of those other sites. The gentlemen on those sites have reviewed me and given me the highest compliments possible (which means I am a real woman and not an undercover agent!!). Let’s start off the same way any dating couple would start off – by sitting on the couch, talking, having a glass of wine (with perhaps some fruit or cheese and crackers) and with some conversation. Let’s get to know each other a little. As we become acquainted, perhaps we will begin to explore a little. A caress? A kiss? A little exploration? Let the fun begin! After that, let’s adjourn to the table room and get comfortable. You’ll notice that my entire condo unit is lit only by candles. Not by one or two candles, but by dozens of candles. They set a romantic mood. Now is the time for you show me what you have! Just off and get comfortable on the table! Would you like to even things up? Perhaps you would like to get a little peek, perhaps a little at a time. Perhaps you would like to untie the bow that holds the silk robe. Perhaps next you would like to try your hand at unfastening my bra. Perhaps more things will fall off under the direction of your skilled hands. You have come for sensual pleasure, so let’s get started on that right away. I am not a licensed masseuse, but gentlemen have told me that I have skilled hands and that I have given them the best “massage” they have ever received. I correct them to say that since I am not licensed I can not say that I give a massage but rather that I give a body rub. That being said, gentlemen have also told me that I give a more complete body rub than they have ever received – by a licensed masseuse or by a non-licensed body rub provider. That is because I literally touch upon every area of the body. And many gentlemen have never had a massage or body rub before. I have been shocked by this bit of information, as I often consider the face to be the absolute most important part of the body (except for that other, more private area, of course!). When I touch your face, you will understand what I mean, if you don’t already. When I touch your face, you will understand the nature of tender loving care! When I touch your face, you will feel warmth on many levels. You have probably read that it takes a huge number of muscles to execute a frown but only a few to execute a smile. What you probably didn’t piece together was the full implication – the face has more muscle groups than any other area of the body. If you want ALL your muscles relaxed, you should start with the muscles of the face. And the face has more nerve endings than any area of the body. Have you ever had your lips stroked gently? (Well, even better, have you ever had your lips stoked gently by a woman’s nipples?) I am often almost as shocked to hear from many gentlemen that they have never had their hands receive a massage or body rub. I consider those to be important areas. The hands are important because they are the part of the body that we feel with. We use our hands as the first point of touch. And our hands have a huge number of nerve endings. Add that to the fact that the hands have the most number of bones in our body (connected to a huge number of ligaments and muscles!) and you can see why I believe that the hands are an important target of my attention! To some extent, I can understand why many ladies do not provide a massage or rub of the feet. Many ladies don’t like feet!! But I feel that feet are important. They certainly carry the entire load of our weight. Consider that the toes of each foot in sequence bear the entire weight of our entire body and you will probably agree with me that the toes are an important part of our body. And they deserve recognition and attention commensurate with their role and importance. Of course I know that every traditional massage and/or body rub focuses a lot of attention on the back. I think that attention is misplaced. I think that way for two reasons: first, most gentlemen do not use their backs as their principal means of occupation and therefore do not have sore backs. Second, when your back is receiving attention, you are in a very uncomfortable position – with your face buried in a rest or a pillow. You can’t talk in that position. Your sinus drains uncomfortably. I find that there is really only one good thing about the position – your butt is completely exposed, and men just love to have that area touched properly! And of all the ironies, that is literally the one area where the most muscle contraction takes place that needs to be relaxed – the area where the upper leg muscles connect! That area DOES need attention in just about every one of us, because just about every one of us walks! Why do so many ladies concentrate on the back? Because it is so easy and so impersonal! It takes hard work to touch someone’s face with exquisite tenderness. It takes real human emotion. And touching someone’s fingers is a genuine human connection. We shake hands to greet our fellow human beings, and a good finger massage/rub is much more than just a handshake. Only a lady who has a genuine interest in you as a man will be willing to touch your face, your hands, and your feet. By way of comparison, most ladies would prefer to touch your back – it is a cold impersonal area and you can’t talk while on your stomach with your face in a rest or a pillow. In that position, it is almost like petting a dog on its back. By this point you should be feeling relaxed! Only one thing might improve upon the sensations running through your body – the feeling of my soft, delicate skin brushing up against yours. Perhaps as I went from area to area you could feel me brush against you in a suggestive, teasing manner. Perhaps you would like to increase that percentage from a mere brushing glance to a full broadside. Many of you gentlemen are familiar with the phrase “body slide”, but I would like to elevate that phrase to a way of life! For you gentlemen who are not familiar with that phrase, please be prepared to take sensual teasing to a whole new level. Continuity and predictability. Those two elements transform a good body rub into a great body rub. My technique incorporates continuity and predictability, so let me explain to you what those are. Continuity means that from the time my hands first touch your body to formally commence our session until the time we adjourn for , my hands never, never, never leave your body. Every second of every minute of that time, at least one of my hands will be touching your body. Never will I break contact completely. [The only exception to this will be when I complete the rub of your feet, I will wash my hands so that I do not spread bacteria from your feet to the other areas of your body; I will tell you that I am going to go wash my hands and you will know that I will only be a few feet away (I have a sink in my bedroom).] This continuity is very, very important. When a lady breaks contact, you are disrupted. You don’t know where she is going or how long she will be gone. In reality, she is just going to get more oil or to move to the other side of the table, but in your imagination you don’t know where she is going or what she will do next. Imagine eating a great meal at a fine restaurant. You don’t expect the waiter/waitress to just swing by and unexpectedly remove your plate after you’ve had just a few bites and then return it a few moments later! You would be shocked by that behavior. Not surprisingly, you would be just as shocked if a lady took her hands off your body for a few moments during a massage/rub. Your body will not be pleased at unexpected interruptions! Predictability is almost as important as continuity. When I pay attention to your first arm/hand, your mind will subconsciously note the methodical sequence of events. I will then replay that same exact methodical sequence when I pay attention to the next arm/hand, then the first leg/foot, then the next leg/foot. Your mind will already know what is coming, even if you don’t. When continuity and predictability combine, your body will relax faster and further than ever before. You will feel just like a baby in a car seat going for a gentle car ride. [Yes, some of my gentlemen visitors have indeed fallen fast asleep.] Almost never has a gentleman properly discerned these two techniques. They are subtle and they are not intended to be conspicuous. They stay in the background. But they magnify the relaxation powers ten-fold. They transform a good body rub into a great body rub. No, I did not create these techniques. I did not even improve upon them. I simply copied them, learned them, and try to practice them. Consider the world’s best artists today. Can we say that they learned their crafts distinct from the processes followed by Michelangelo? Can we say they improved upon his processes? Of course not. Nothing that the artists of today undertake can exceed his works. In the same way, I can not claim that my body rubs are the most original on the planet or that they exceed those of Michelangelo’s girlfriend! The same is true in most professions today – what we do is not necessarily the most original, but it is unique to us, and we do the best we can do. At some point the teasing builds to a climax and the sexual tension becomes palpable. As a man, you feel the need to reach the end. Women enjoy the journey; men only enjoy finishing the trip they started. Now would be a good time to adjourn to the main bedroom! I have a beautiful bedroom set. I'll bet you gentlemen will know your way around the bedroom!! And my hands know the right questions to ask. You may be too shy to ask for a certain type of massage, but my hands will know how to ask you if you want one without asking in words! After all the oils and creams and body fluids are all over the place, wouldn’t a shower be a good idea? Would you like to shower together, or do you like to shower alone? I know exactly what I like to do and I think I have fairly accurately described it in this ad. Many gentlemen who have visited me have told me that each and every thing I stated in my last ad – which ran from about May 13 through August 25 – was true and accurate, and this ad also says everything just as it is in real life. My real-life reviews on IG and say the same thing about me, but from the gentleman’s perspective. I provide what is just about a unique experience – a real, down-to-earth boy-meets-girl experience. I think it is a true luxury version of a body rub with much more. And an experience like this is something that should be basked in! We should take our time and do this right. I believe that an appropriate amount of time for this is 2 to 3 hours. And please understand one very important concept: I love this! Imagine if you could post an ad offering to provide complete body rubs to women and lots of beautiful, intelligent women called you to set appointments, and every day you met a new, beautiful, intelligent woman and gave her a complete body rub and touched every inch of her body and she loved it! How would you feel? You would be in HEAVEN! Well guess what? SO AM I!! I am a beautiful 47-year old woman and in the last 3 months I have laid my hands on more handsome, intelligent, charming, wonderful men than Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Haile Berry, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, and Gwyneth Paltrow all put together have probably touched in their whole lifetimes!!!!! Yes, I probably have more sensuous fun than all of them put together!! I have lived life enough years to have seen many wonderful places. I was born in New York City and have lived there and loved it. I have also lived in New Jersey, Ohio, and Michigan (and I do not miss the cold from any of those places!). I lived my early childhood in Puerto Rico and in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands (and would love to live forever in Puerto Rico!). I have traveled and vacationed around the world on Pan Am 1 (that was a while back!). I have traveled to Colombia (twice), Peru (twice), India (3 weeks), Japan, Luxemburg, Monaco, Mexico (8 weeks), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Canada, and Switzerland. I have traveled to and vacationed in a lot of states, including California, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Texas. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! When you look at my photos you probably are just thinking about and you aren’t thinking about how I bake cookies with my grandchildren or go to Disney World with them. If you send me a photo of yourself, the same kinds of thoughts ramble through my mind that ramble through yours! I have worked as a faux finish painter – I have painted many beautiful interior walls. I have worked as a muralist and have painted beautiful landscape murals. I have worked as a commissioned artist and made a decent living at it. I have learned to fly an airplane. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! You gentlemen have led rich, full lives full of success, travel, and adventure. Guess what? So have I! That is part of what makes meeting you so fun and exciting. You gentlemen all have wonderful stories to relate to me, and I take joy in sharing mine with you. I am a real woman and you are a real man. When you come to see me, you will learn who I am and I will learn who you are. That is how normal human beings interact. You are not just a number to me and I will not just be some housecleaning lady doing a job for you. We will have a personal relationship between us, even if just temporary! Yes, I enjoy. You are welcome to enjoy. If you have read my prior ad, you’ll know that a. Yes, I have in quick succession – if you know how to do things the right way! I’m still waiting for Webster’s to put those two Acronyms in the newest dictionary. My condo is completely private – occupied by just me, no roommates. And your car will be invisible because I live all the way in the back of the subdivision, in the last building, in the back side of the building, on Lyons Road between Atlantic and Cypress Creek in Pompano Beach. I have a professional table complete with all the extras. I have tons of clean linen, towels, washcloths, etc. I also have a full bumper and a bumper for your convenience. I never fully appreciated the importance of bumpers until a few days ago, when a very kind gentlemen provided a 4-hour session TO ME! I had three full hours of body rubs followed by a full hour of sensuous touching that many would call an extremely hapy (sic) ending. I learned that the human body can not comfortably lie for 3 straight hours on the back without adequate, proper support under the back of the knees! By the way, I also learned that draping feels very comfortable. Draping keeps the cool air conditioning drafts off the exposed body! So from now on I will ask you about draping and bumpers! (Yes, guys, I have been told that some 12 different ads use language copied from my ad. I am, of course, flattered by the “imitation”. And no, I don’t write ads for anyone else! This is a free world, and I do not copyright my ads. Therefore, anyone can copy my ads. But in reality, few ladies can imitate my genuine, down-to-earth approach to meeting gentlemen for body rubs. I deliver exactly as I say I will deliver.) If you have paid close attention so far, you will know the importance of four words: continuity, predictability, draping, and bumpers! Call me at 954-297-6569. Gina $300 for up to 2 hours $400 for up to 3 hours $600 for up to 5 hours -- or for an overnight visit, or for going to a swingers club "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of the low price is forgotten." Isn't it worth a little extra to get what you absolutely, positively want to have -- many, many hours of uninterrupted fun! Set an appointment today for 6 hours -- an early Holiday present to yourself! eros escort miami,eorotic massage,adult masage near me,erotic masssage near me,asain happy ending massage,female exotic massage,rubrankings miami,erotic massage coral gables,massage erotico near me,adultsearch mia

* EROTIC Body Rubs with " ALEXXXA " the CUBAN QUEEN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !~ - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do , sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services.,erotic massag,sexual masseuse,eroctic massages,masajes eroticos miami,massages near me erotic,escorts in schaumburg,ertic massage near me,how to find happy ending massage,massage in coral gables

*** *** SEE The CUBAN SEDUCTRESS " ALEXXXA " TASTE Me 2day ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !~ - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do , sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. erotic massage kendall,errotic massages,exocit massage,miami massage escorts,adult massage,erotic massgae,erotic massages nesr me,massage miami south beach,adult massage place near me,rub and tug miami

Gina -- Kissable Lips, Cuddling, Kissing, Mutual Pleasures. Enjoy 2 Full Hours of Pure Luxury!! - 49

Gentlemen: Are you looking for hugs and kisses, passion and romance with a very beautiful woman in your own age range? Do you want to recreate the excitement and anticipation of a first date? Here is the long story made short, a summary of the text that follows below: My name is Gina. I am a beautiful 49-year old woman with very long black hair, green/hazel eyes, a bit of height at 5’ 8”, and a little extra weight at about 175. I have all natural D cups with nice hips. I love long, sensuous sessions – my hands as well as your hands, your body as well as my body. I love to have my own moments of pleasure and a lot of them, and I love for you to have your own moments of pleasure and as many of them as you want. I think that the ideal amount of time for a session is 3 hours, but I have had many sessions that last 5, 6 and 7 hours!! My rates start at a minimum of $200 for up to 2 hours and an additional $100 per each additional hour thereafter. I am intelligent and thoughtful and I want to have time together during which we build a friendship that becomes a long-term relationship. No one can do that in a short period of time, so if you want that you really want only one thing! There are plenty of beautiful women who will be glad to provide you with that but I am not one of them. My sessions of course involve intimacy, but my sessions are really about much more than that. My sessions are about giving you the attention you want, the time listening to you that you want, the appreciation that you want, and the romance and passion that you want. My sessions are about making you feeling like a million dollars – as a romantic interest, as a friend, and finally as an object! Gentlemen who read my ad are obviously very intelligent – otherwise, they could not get through this many pages!! Also, gentlemen who call me are interested in a lot more than just a one-time fling – they are looking for romance and friendship that will endure. If you are looking for a one-time fling, look in the Escort section of BackPage for South Florida’s most beautiful accommodating women! My condo is in North Pompano Beach / Coconut Creek, just south of Deerfield Beach, just off Sample Road west of I-95 and just 1 mile from the Florida Turnpike. My condo is private and it is nice. I have lots of candles for an exceptionally romantic environment. I would love for you to bring along a nice bottle of wine! Here is the rest of my ad: I have been posting on Backpage for a while now and I have learned a lot from you all! On that first day I was extremely nervous and did not know what to expect. Now I am very comfortable. Because I am so comfortable, I can make you feel comfortable also. Please excuse what may appear to be typos or errors in grammar. I follow the Winston Churchill view on ending some selected sentences with prepositions, which is to say I am familiar with the technical rules on the subject and follow the rules specifically laid out by the winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature! Not that I would ever aspire to attain “his mastery of historical and biographical description . . . [or his] brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values”, but I do like to use the English language correctly. (My native language is actually Spanish, but I do not approve of the inadvertent misuse of the English language. We communicate through language, so let’s use the English language properly, please!) To paraphrase Churchill: “The abuse of the language is an abuse up with which I will not put!” I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. First, I thought that this would be about one thing and one thing only. After all, I have heard throughout my life that men have only one thing on their minds every minute of every day and night. I thought this would be a situation where I would open the door and a gentleman would be wanting immediate gratification. Now I know the reality. The reality is more like this. You are reading this ad because you feel an innate need for female companionship. There is something missing in your life. You may be married, but that special romantic passion is not present any more. Your body is pushing you to find a woman with whom to share that special romantic passion once again. It is a basic male need – as basic as the need for air, water, food, shelter, clothing. It is present in you every minute of every day. It drives you. Everything a man does is done to impress a woman so she will be romantically attracted to him. In today’s world, men get an education so they can get great jobs so they can impress the women and get rewarded with the special romantic passion they want. In short, since the beginning of time the main drive in men has been one thing. Men don’t need to think about that one thing. It is hormonal. It drives every man every minute of every day. Ultimately, it does involve a male explosion. But I think that a lot more is involved than just that. After all, a man can create his own explosions easily and (and most men do and do often!). There is something more, something “extra”. And that “extra” is the whole point. That “extra” is what drives men to turn to Back Page. It is that “extra” that is everything. That “extra” has been described in many books over the years. I will try to describe it from my point of view from what I have learned. First, not that you are shallow, but you want a woman who is beautiful in the face, with beautiful large breasts, soft skin, a nice butt and long legs (and other nice equipment). That is natural. We all prefer the attractive to the unattractive, so don’t feel that it is inappropriate to prefer an attractive woman. Second, you want a woman who appreciates you for who you are. You want to be appreciated for your accomplishments in life. You want to be with a woman who makes you feel special. You want a woman who thinks you are wonderful for who you are and what you have done. This too is natural to men. Woman don’t usually feel a need to be appreciated in quite the same way. Men feel a basic need to be treated as being competent in what they do. A man feels very vulnerable when his woman fails to appreciate his competence. You want the same 100% acceptance and unconditional love Third, you want a woman who will pay 100% attention to you when you are together – no interruptions from cell phones, etc. This will become a private universe where no one else exists – just you and me, alone, together. Fourth, you want your physical needs to be met. You want your back scratched! You want your muscles massaged. You want your skin to be soothed. And like every human being – man and woman – you want to have an explosion. The drive toward that explosion is one of the absolutely most basic drives in all of us. It is why you turned to Back Page. Part of your need may be to explore a woman’s body or even to create an explosion in the woman – that is natural, too. Fifth, you want a woman with whom you are comfortable. You want a woman with whom you can talk. You want a woman that is about your own age, because you will share a common history, a common background, a common basis of experiences. You want a woman that speaks your language, went to the same kinds of schools as you did, had the same kinds of friends as you had. You want a woman who looks a bit like you and who thinks a bit like you. Sixth, you want that magical spark of romance and intrigue. We all want it. We all remember forever our first love. We would all like to be able to recreate that once-in-a-lifetime feeling we had then. We all know that a large part of the excitement is the initial conquest. We certainly all know that it is hard to keep that excitement alive in a marriage over the course of years. (And we all know that the easiest way to find it again is to start a relationship.) No man can ever give himself an as good as a woman gives him because all those “extra” things are missing. No human being can ever tickle himself/herself. It just simply can not be done by anyone, ever. In contrast, every human being can create an explosion for himself/herself. But not as good as one created by someone else!! Guess what? I want pretty much the same things you want!! So now let me explain my thoughts on how we should go about this! You should arrive at my front door just like you would for your first date with any beautiful woman – with an expectant attitude that today is going to be one of the best days of your life! If you are romantic, perhaps you will bring some flowers or a box of chocolates! I will open the door dressed in the way that you would create in your ideal fantasy – beautiful, hair done nicely, and dressed in one of the lingerie outfits you see in the photos by an elegant silk robe. (If you would prefer that I meet you at the door in an evening gown or a ladies’ business suit, just let me know!) When the door opens and we see each other for the first time, let it be magical. Of course, I know that you will probably have some nervousness. You are meeting someone new for the first time ever and you do not know what to expect. You do not know whether all will be as it is stated. I have the same apprehension about you! You have one distinct advantage – I have been reviewed by other gentlemen on other sites. I will assume that you know some of those other sites. The gentlemen on those sites have reviewed me and given me the highest compliments possible (which means I am a real woman and not an undercover agent!!). Let’s start off the same way any dating couple would start off – by sitting on the couch, talking, having a glass of water or soda with perhaps some fruit or cheese and crackers or some chocolates. Let’s get to know each other a little. As we become acquainted, perhaps we will begin to explore a little. A caress? A kiss? A little exploration? Let the fun begin! After that, let’s adjourn to the table room and get comfortable. You’ll notice that my entire condo unit is lit only by candles and mood lighting. They set a romantic mood. You have come for sensual pleasure, so let’s get started on that right away. I am not a licensed masseuse, but gentlemen have told me that I have skilled hands and that I have given them the best “massage” they have ever received. I correct them to say that since I am not licensed I can not say that I give a massage but rather that I give a body rub. That being said, gentlemen have also told me that I give a more complete body rub than they have ever received – by a licensed masseuse or by a non-licensed body rub provider. That is because I literally touch upon every area of the body. And many gentlemen have never had a massage or body rub of the face and before. I have been shocked by this bit of information, as I often consider the face to be the absolute most important part of the body (except for that other, more private area, of course!). When I touch your face, you will understand what I mean, if you don’t already. When I touch your face, you will understand the nature of tender loving care! When I touch your face, you will feel warmth on many levels. You have probably read that it takes a huge number of muscles to execute a frown but only a few to execute a smile. What you probably didn’t piece together was the full implication – the face has more muscle groups than any other area of the body. If you want ALL your muscles relaxed, you should start with the muscles of the face. And the face has more nerve endings than any area of the body. Have you ever had your lips touched gently? Did you know that the lips have more nerve endings than any other area of the body -- as many as 1,000 times as many as the fingertips? I am often almost as shocked to hear from many gentlemen that they have never had their hands receive a massage or body rub. I consider those to be important areas. The hands are important because they are the part of the body that we feel with. We use our hands as the first point of touch. And our hands have a huge number of nerve endings. Add that to the fact that the hands have the most number of bones in our body (connected to a huge number of ligaments and muscles!) and you can see why I believe that the hands are an important target of my attention! To some extent, I can understand why many ladies do not provide a massage or rub of the feet. Many ladies don’t like feet!! But I feel that feet are important. They certainly carry the entire load of our weight. Consider that the toes of each foot in sequence bear the entire weight of our entire body and you will probably agree with me that the toes are an important part of our body. And they deserve recognition and attention commensurate with their role and importance. Ticklish? I'll just use extra pressure to make sure you do not feel a tickling sensation! Of course I know that every traditional massage and/or body rub focuses a lot of attention on the back. I think that attention is misplaced. I think that way for two reasons: first, most gentlemen do not use their backs as their principal means of occupation and therefore do not have sore backs. Second, when your back is receiving attention, you are in a very uncomfortable position – with your face buried in a rest or a pillow. You can’t talk in that position. Your sinus drains uncomfortably. I find that there is really only one good thing about the position – your butt is completely exposed, and men just love to have that area touched properly! And of all the ironies, that is literally the one area where the most muscle contraction takes place that needs to be relaxed – the area where the upper leg muscles connect! That area DOES need attention in just about every one of us, because just about every one of us walks! Why do so many ladies concentrate on the back? Because it is so easy and so impersonal! It takes hard work to touch someone’s face with exquisite tenderness. It takes real human emotion. And touching someone’s fingers is a genuine human connection. We shake hands to greet our fellow human beings, and a good finger massage/rub is much more than just a handshake. Only a lady who has a genuine interest in you as a man will be willing to touch your face, your hands, and your feet. By way of comparison, most ladies would prefer to touch your back – it is a cold impersonal area and you can’t talk while on your stomach with your face in a headrest or a pillow. In that position, it is almost like petting a dog on its back. By this point you should be feeling relaxed! Only one thing might improve upon the sensations running through your body – the feeling of my soft, delicate skin brushing up against yours. Perhaps as I went from area to area you could feel me brush against you in a suggestive, teasing manner. Perhaps you would like to increase that percentage from a mere brushing glance to a full broadside. Many of you gentlemen are familiar with the phrase “body slide”, but I would like to elevate that phrase to a way of life! For you gentlemen who are not familiar with that phrase, please be prepared to take sensual teasing to a whole new level. Continuity and predictability. Those two elements transform a good body rub into a great body rub. My technique incorporates continuity and predictability, so let me explain to you what those are. Continuity means that from the time my hands first touch your body to formally commence our session until the time we adjourn, my hands never, never, never leave your body. Every second of every minute of that time, at least one of my hands will be touching your body. Never will I break contact completely. [The only exception to this will be when I complete the rub of your feet, I will wash my hands so that I do not spread bacteria from your feet to the other areas of your body; I will tell you that I am going to go wash my hands and you will know that I will only be a few feet away (I have a sink in my bedroom).] This continuity is very, very important. When a lady breaks contact, you are disrupted. You don’t know where she is going or how long she will be gone. In reality, she is just going to get more oil or to move to the other side of the table, but in your imagination you don’t know where she is going or what she will do next. Imagine eating a great meal at a fine restaurant. You don’t expect the waiter/waitress to just swing by and unexpectedly remove your plate after you’ve had just a few bites and then return it a few moments later! You would be shocked by that behavior. Not surprisingly, you would be just as shocked if a lady took her hands off your body for a few moments during a massage/rub. Your body will not be pleased at unexpected interruptions! Predictability is almost as important as continuity. When I pay attention to your first arm/hand, your mind will subconsciously note the methodical sequence of events. I will then replay that same exact methodical sequence when I pay attention to the next arm/hand, then the first leg/foot, then the next leg/foot. Your mind will already know what is coming, even if you don’t. When continuity and predictability combine, your body will relax faster and further than ever before. You will feel just like a car seat going for a gentle car ride. [Yes, some of my gentlemen visitors have indeed fallen fast asleep.] Almost never has a gentleman properly discerned these two techniques. They are subtle and they are not intended to be conspicuous. They stay in the background. But they magnify the relaxation powers ten-fold. They transform a good body rub into a great body rub. No, I did not create these techniques. I did not even improve upon them. I simply copied them, learned them, and try to practice them. Consider the world’s best artists today. Can we say that they learned their crafts distinct from the processes followed by Michelangelo? Can we say they improved upon his processes? Of course not. Nothing that the artists of today undertake can exceed his works. In the same way, I can not claim that my body rubs are the most original on the planet or that they exceed those of Michelangelo’s girlfriend! The same is true in most professions today – what we do is not necessarily the most original, but it is unique to us, and we do the best we can do. At some point the teasing builds to a tension becomes palpable. As a man, you feel the need to reach the end. Women enjoy the journey; men only enjoy finishing the trip they started. My ad is placed in the body rub section because that is what I love – body rubs. For a while I offered more, but now I have decided to stick to what I love best -- body rubs! I believe that body rubs are the most arousing activity! My hands know the right questions to ask. You may be too shy to ask for a massage on the back side, but my hands will know how to ask you if you want one without asking in words! After all the oils and creams are all over the place, wouldn’t a shower be a good idea? I know exactly what I like to do and I think I have fairly accurately described it in this ad. Many gentlemen who have visited me have told me that each and every thing I stated in my ads is true and accurate, and this ad also says everything just as it is in real life. My real-life reviews on IG and say the same thing about me, but from the gentleman’s perspective. I provide what is just about a unique experience – a real, down-to-earth boy-meets-girl experience. I think it is a true luxury version of a body rub with escort finish. And an experience like this is something that should be basked in! We should take our time and do this right. I believe that an appropriate amount of time for this is 2 to 3 hours. I know that some gentlemen are in a bit more of a rush than that – they want to be out the door in a very short period of time. I have two distinct suggestions – visit me for 2 hours ($200) or visit me for 3 hours ($300). And please understand one very important concept: I love this! Imagine if you could post an ad offering to provide complete body rubs to women and lots of beautiful, intelligent women called you to set appointments, and every day you met a new, beautiful, intelligent woman and gave her a complete body rub and touched every inch of her body and she loved it! How would you feel? You would be in HEAVEN! Well guess what? SO AM I!! I am a beautiful 48-year old woman and in the last 3 months I have laid my hands on more handsome, intelligent, charming, wonderful men than Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Haile Berry, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, and Gwyneth Paltrow all put together have probably touched in their whole lifetimes!!!!! Yes, I probably have more sensuous fun than all of them put together!! I have lived life enough years to have seen many wonderful places. I was born in New York City and have lived there and loved it. I have also lived in New Jersey, Ohio, and Michigan (and I do not miss the cold from any of those places!). I lived my early childhood in Puerto Rico and in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands (and would love to live forever in Puerto Rico!). I have traveled and vacationed around the world on Pan Am 1 (that was a while back!). I have traveled to Colombia (twice), Peru (twice), India (3 weeks), Japan, Luxemburg, Monaco, Mexico (8 weeks), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Canada, and Switzerland. I have traveled to and vacationed in a lot of states, including California, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Texas. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! And I have lived life enough years to have undertaken many wonderful activities. I have raised my own children and now I am able to share in the lives of my grandchildren. When you look at my photos you probably are just thinking about and you aren’t thinking about how I bake cookies with my or go to Disney World with them. If you send me a photo of yourself, the same kinds of thoughts ramble through my mind that ramble through yours! I have worked as a faux finish painter – I have painted many beautiful interior walls. I have worked as a muralist and have painted beautiful landscape murals. I have worked as a commissioned artist and made a decent living at it. I have learned to fly an airplane. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! You gentlemen have led rich, full lives full of success, travel, and adventure. Guess what? So have I! That is part of what makes meeting you so fun and exciting. You gentlemen all have wonderful stories to relate to me, and I take joy in sharing mine with you. I am a real woman and you are a real man. When you come to see me, you will learn who I am and I will learn who you are. That is how normal human beings interact. You are not just a number to me and I will not just be some housecleaning lady doing a job for you. We will have a personal relationship between us, even if just temporary! Yes, I enjoy multiple MIOs. You are welcome to enjoy multiple FIOs. If you have read my prior ad, you’ll know that a MIO is my acronym for Male-Induced- and a FIO is my acronym for Female-Induced-. Yes, I have multiple MIOs in succession – if you know how to do things the right way! I’m still waiting for Webster’s to put those two Acronyms in the newest dictionary. My condo is completely private – occupied by just me, no roommates. I have a professional table complete with all the extras. I even have romantic lighting installed UNDER the table -- the floor is well-light without any evidence of a light fixture! I have tons of clean linen, towels, washcloths, etc. I also have a full bumper and a mini bumper for your convenience. I never fully appreciated the importance of bumpers until a few days ago, when a very kind gentlemen provided a 4-hour session TO ME! I had three full hours of body rubs followed by a full hour of sensuous touching that many would call an extremely happy MIO. I learned that the human body can not comfortably lie for 3 straight hours on the back without adequate, proper support under the back of the knees! By the way, I also learned that draping feels very comfortable. Draping keeps the cool air conditioning drafts off the exposed body! So from now on I will ask you about draping and bumpers! (Yes, guys, I have been told that some 12 different ads use language copied from my ad. But in reality, few ladies can imitate my genuine, down-to-earth approach to meeting gentlemen for body rubs. I deliver exactly as I say I will deliver.) If you have paid close attention so far, you will know the importance of four words: continuity, predictability, draping, and bumpers! IMPORTANT: CAN THE DEAD BE RAISED? USUALLY!! I know that older gentleman sometimes have diabetes, ED, Parkinson's, COPT, and many other medical issues that slow them down in these endeavors. I know that having HIM stand up and do HIS duty can be an issue. I have found that by taking lots and lots and lots of time, often a hesitant HIM can be raised and convinced to do HIS duty. So if you have a medical issue and this affects your personal performance, just TELL ME and I'll know what to do! Call me at 954-297-6569. Gina $200 for 2 hour $300 for 3 hours I like this quote: "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of the low price is forgotten." My philosophy is simple: pay enough to get what you really want because not getting what you really want isn't really worth anything! Gentlemen have told me their complaints about seeing a young woman for a low price, then feeling ripped out that they were shoved out the door in What were they thinking? A middle aged gentleman should see a middle aged lady. And should spend as much time pursuing her as he did pursuing his first date when he was a man! 7865981862,massage with happy end near me,nuru massage near me,midtown angels bodyrub,erotic massahe,www.tsescortsnashville,nuru message near me,massages exotic,adult massage miami,ecrotic massage

**** SKIN so SCRUMPTIOUS it TASTES LIKE COTTON CANDY **** " ALEXXXA " the " Cuban Queen " ! ! ! ! - 32

Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do F S, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for five hours. massage place with happy ending near me,adult private massage,erotic massage near m,ts escorts fll,massage specials miami,midtown angels bodyrub,erotic massage in my area,2731 sw coral way,affordable spas in miami,ts escorts orlando fl

South Florida's Longest, Most Sensuous Body Rub -- 2 Full Hours and Don't Leave Early!!!!!! - 46

Hello Gentlemen. My name is Liz. All of the photos presented here were taken within the last few weeks. I have removed my face from the photos to maintain my privacy, but otherwise these photos depict me exactly as I looked on that date – no photo-shopping!! Please allow me to introduce myself to you. I am a 46-year old woman in perfect physical condition. I stand 5’ 8” tall and weigh just 125 to 130 pounds. I have a classic 36-26-36 hourglass figure. I work out a lot to stay in that perfect condition and I eat healthy foods! I do not smoke, consume alcohol, or use drugs (illegal or prescription!). I am disease and drug free and I want to keep my body healthy for many years to come. I work out of private home, which is located in an upscale complex in an upscale neighborhood. Many of you gentlemen are also disease and drug free and would like to stay that way for many years to come!!!! I can give you the best body rub you could want with a 100% guarantee of not passing on any diseases!!! The best thing about a body rub is of course the pure sensual pleasure. A great body rub provides more pleasurable stimulation to more nerve endings than any other human activity. Yes, that one special activity feels great, but let's be real: that rarely lasts more than a few minutes. Never two full hours!! A great body rub can last for two full hours!! The second best thing about a body rub is that it offers a 100% guarantee that no diseases will be transmitted. The absolute last thing any man wants is to contract a disease while having some fun on the side!! And let's be realistic: any other form of such sensual pleasure other than touching with hands has a risk of such disease. Most STDs can be transmitted by saliva. Even saliva that touches a tiny cut on a leg can be enough. And those silly covers men try to wear to protect their most valuable body part can not offer a 100% guarantee against infection. And no man can feel true pleasure through those covers! And every man who is having fun must have a 100% guarantee. Not 90% -- if you have only a 10% risk of infection, that would mean that if you visit 10 times, you are probably doomed! Did you read the statistics that were published last week about STDs in America? They are frightening to say the least. I have none. I can not pass any to you. And that is true of every woman on BackPage who provides Body Rubs without FS or GFE or PSE! And that is precisely why more men respond to the Body Rub ladies on BackPage than to the Escort ladies!!! In short, body rubs provide more pleasure for a longer period of time than FS or GFE or PSE and have the added benefit of never passing along unwanted diseases!! Many of you gentlemen have scanned through BackPage before! It was certainly an eye-opening experience for me, and perhaps it was for you too when you first came across it. The choices are spectacular. If shopping for boyfriends and husbands had been this easy a few years ago. . . You have so many choices that it should be easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for!! I am writing this description of me to help you decide if I am the right match for you. As I look through all the ads, I am trying to think of how to describe how I find in and what I am like and what I offer. First, I am struck by the fact that I am older than a lot of the other beautiful women who post on BackPage. I am 46. A lot of women are in their 20s. My first thought in that regard is that an ideal match for me is probably someone who is at least 30 years old, with 40s, 50s and 60s likely to be a perfect age range for me. Let me explain my reasoning. I know that a mature gentleman in his 40s or 50s or 60s can not make an emotional connection with a lady in her 20s or even 30s. A mature gentleman wants a lady in his own age range. But also a beautiful woman and a well-shaped woman. The problem that gentlemen have with mature women is that most mature women are very heavy and out-of-shape, are too dominant and not willing to put the gentleman’s desires first, and past menopause and into the “I don’t want anything to do with that stuff” phase of life! Not me. I keep myself in perfect shape. I am athletic, slender, and strong. I can go the distance! And I have that high drive that is unique to women in their 40’s. At my age I also understand the likes and needs of men in their 30s. And I know that a lot of men in their 30s like the attention that a slightly older woman can provide to them. I understand younger men, especially those in their late 20s and 30s who want the company of an older woman! You'll find I can be quite the cougar. I am a mature woman. I have had many gentlemen in my life over the years. I know about the secret fantasy lives of men. I’m not a young woman who is confused or surprised by those fantasies. I know them, and I love them! I am a real, down-to-earth woman! And I know that mere physical touching and physical pleasures are not what is really the most satisfying to a man. It takes a lot more. It takes an emotional connection. You don’t want a cold, emotionless "session” with someone who is “doing a job” like a clerk at WalMart. You want someone who is emotionally invested in you – someone who wants to share things about your life and what you do, your triumphs and successes. And you can only do that with someone who is in your age range. A 40-to-60-year old business executive can not explain his life to a 20-year high school graduate. Not only is there little or no emotional connection between the different generations, there is also no physical connection. Being with someone vastly different in age ranges also means different body types. A man's body at age 20 is one thing, but altogether different at age 40 to 60. The same is true of women; a body changes as it gets older. A man's body at age 20 matches a woman's body at age 18, and a man's body at age 40-to-60 matches a woman's body at age 50. But a man's body at age 40-to-60 just simply does not match a woman's body at age 20! That brings me to my next point. Super thin women are a great fantasy, and great to look at. But not necessarily great to actually play with! A woman who weighs only 100 pounds is likely to have bony arms and knees, bony fingers. Those look nice, but don't necessarily feel nice and can never truly be called cuddly. If you want soft and cuddly, you'll need a woman with a mature body, a body with a few extra pounds – but only a very few extra! You can look at my photos and see me exactly as I am – mature, slender, athletic. You can’t see that unique high drive that lies beneath the surface, but that unique 40’s drive is definitely there and boiling over! No doubt many of you gentlemen will notice one feature of which I am particularly proud – my nipples!! Yes, they love to be looked at and more important they love to be touched gently and aroused sensuously. Are you up to the task? Or would you like them to “accidentally” rub up against you teasingly and sensuously as I pamper your quivering body? As you may see, my breasts are "just the right size" -- not too big, not too small! Just right. Next, I would like to say that I believe in getting together for long periods of time. I prefer a minimum of 90 minutes and I really like 120 minutes better. The reason for this is easy to explain. Many ladies open the door and take you directly to the “back room” and ask you to “get ready”. The whole introduction lasts less than 15 seconds!! I have never felt comfortable getting to know someone in less than 15 seconds. Have you? Of course not. No one can. When that happens, you know darn good and well that you are in for a cold, emotionless, mechanical session! And let’s be realistic: any woman can cause a man to explode with just 5 to 10 minutes of effort! Real human interaction requires time. And real human interaction does not start with undressing – it starts with conversation. And of course conversation often starts off better over a glass of water or soda (I would say beer and wine, which I keep on hand for you but I don’t drink those myself) and perhaps some chocolate! And a lot of sensuality involves building up the excitement, the anticipation. Many of you gentlemen are old enough to remember Carly Simon’s hit “Anticipation”, not to mention the television ad that Heinz used that song for to promote its slow-moving ketchup! And what anticipation could there be in an introduction that lasts less than 15 seconds!! Let’s sit on the couch and relax for a few minutes. We can have a glass of water or soda (you can have a beer or a glass of wine if you like!) and perhaps some snacks. Let’s make sure we are right for each other! Let’s talk first, have your sensuous pleasure after! During that special time together, I want you to take a long, long, long time relaxing. No rushing. Just pure bliss. Many men have had “1-Hour” body rubs and know that often they are rushed out the door in 20 minutes! What did you expect when the door opened and you rushed onto the table in less than 15 seconds? That lady wanted to get you in the door and back out of the door in record time. If that is what you want, please look for the right ad! That is not me. In my view, we should sit and chat for 30 minutes, or longer if you’d like. And only the absolute last 10 minutes of that time should be devoted to causing that moment of explosion that is ultimately the goal. In short, a 120-minute get together should look like this: 30 minutes of chatting and getting to know each other, 80 minutes of touching (or a combination of those) and 10 minutes of extreme touching, although of course there is also extreme touching throughout our time together! A total of 120 minutes, structured to create maximum anticipation! I provide the fantasy of the greatest body rub ever delivered. If you have ever been on a massage table, you know that it takes a few minutes to chill out, to get over that feeling of apprehension and nervousness. By the time you are in the groove, it is time to get off the table. Not with me. With me you will truly have the most luxurious body rub offered in South Florida. You’ll never look for a new body rub provider ever again!! Also, I offer something that no one else can offer. And that is my one-of-a-kind personality. I am exuberant in person, as you will discover! I am playful and cheerful as well, and you will discover that as soon as you call me – yes, that part of my personality reveals itself immediately on the phone! I am Sensual, seductive, and very sexy. Also, I can satisfy in ways that others are not willing to. I can offer a great prostate massage. That being said, let me tell you a little about myself and what I looking for and let you decide for yourself if you want to pursue this further. I have slow, gentle touches, rising to fast and aggressive when desired. I have a high sex drive and like to please my partners in the exact ways they like to be pleased, not merely the way I like to please them! I am clean and disease and drug free. I truly deliver a fabulous 2-hour or 90 minute body rub that is literally unequalled for its sheer sensual pleasure. I am classy, sassy, playful and sensuous. I love to touch men's bodies! I have fine tuned my body rub techniques. In just a few moments with you, I can locate your tension spots. Each body rub is customized to your wants, needs and desires at the moment. Typically, my body rub relaxes and soothes and often allows tight and stressed areas to release and restore. Light passive stretching allows muscles to stretch, thus helping to let tight areas to let go. This allows other painful or tight areas of your body to relax as well. My body rub utilizes the 'whole' body. This experience will entice your physical body, soothe your thoughts and mind, and allow you to enter a realm of complete freedom. This is not just an ordinary full body rub, this is a total body experience combining physical and sensual touch, which keeps your level of sensual feeling prolonged on edge for a long time. I combine the best of all techniques. I will create an atmosphere of intimate, comfortable and relaxing feel. Lay your naked body upon my portable table. Listen to the soft, relaxing music; smell the aromatic fragrances. Find yourself letting go of all obligations as every sense is filled. Feel the massage lotion or oil soothe your muscles, and feel my firm but gentle touches caress every inch of your body. Between therapeutic strokes of my soothing touch. Light feather touches tease the most sensitive areas. Aroused tingles run up your spine, as you lightly feel my hands rub completely over your warm backside. You are relaxed, but your excited body slightly wiggles your hips beneath my warm hands. More soft strokes of my hands slip between your cheeks, and excitement is flowing throughout your body. You feel your excitement against the table, and grind the air with your torso. The feeling is intense, and seems to go on and on. Would you like this to go on and on, or would you rather change things around? Would you like me to lie on the table while you provide a sensuous body rub? I know that most gentlemen love to please their lady as much as they love to be pleased by her! This time together is about you and about pleasing you, but if you would like to lightly, gently touch me, that would be okay. Would you like a prostate massage? I ask this because at some point I realized that what many married men were really looking for was something they couldn’t get from their wives. Many men wanted to be touched from behind and wanted her to use “toys” to please them. They liked the pleasure they associated with that special kind of touching. It may be that after 30 years of having sex thousands upon thousands of times with breasts and vaginas, men want something else, something different. And as many men got older, they realized that they received pleasure from being touched in the backside. I also realized that many wives were not agreeable to allowing their husbands to experiment with new and different experiences – they refuse to do anything new and different. Many wives are from the old school. Even worse, many wives don't understand that after 30 or so years having the same old sex can be a bit boring to their husbands! And girlfriends are even more so! Let's be realistic: no wife or girlfriend is going to give you a 2-hour body rub!! Ever!! Just ask and you’ll see what I mean. Then ask for a prostate massage and see what happens. They say that men have "mid-life" crises. That simply is wrong. The two real problems are these. First, wives hit menopause and lose interest in sex; this drives their husbands in search of other women. Second, men get bored with 30 years of the same sex and want something new, but wives aren’t willing to try something new and different. Neither one constitutes something going wrong with the men and in fact neither is a crisis from the man's viewpoint -- quite the contrary, the man is overjoyed at being able to have fantasies fulfilled for the first time in many years! Not a crisis at all. So I decided that I would provide an opportunity for a man to gently enter into the world of new and different pleasures in a safe, sane way, with a real woman that would be dedicated to satisfying that man’s wants. I am looking for someone exactly like you -- someone who wants the luxury of 2 hours or 90 minutes of being touching, someone who wants an exciting, playful, cheerful, exuberant woman someone new, someone who will do what you want done, someone who is close to your own age, someone who is sensual, sexy, suggestive. I am a completely real woman -- highly driven sexually. I don’t have a website. I offer a safe, sane, gentle introduction into the alternative lifestyle. I offer an opportunity for you to tell me your fantasy, then get it fulfilled. I am as real as life gets. My goal is to meet and have a session of unlimited touching and pleasure-giving of every nature dedicated to satisfying your fantasies. I want you to have multiple moments of erotic pleasure, and to walk away saying, “Wow. I can’t wait until we can get together again.” That is what I am looking for – a man who wants a safe, gentle introduction to the world of being pleased or a man who really wants the best body rub ever offered. Someone who can spend the time it takes to really have tons of fun. Not just a quick “Slam, Bam, Thank You Ma’am” experience and run out to his car. NOTE: I do not accept emails from this post. I do not respond to emails or to text messages (my phone doesn’t show them properly) at all, as there are so many spams and scams. CALL ME AT 754-245-3049. Discretion assured. I do not accept calls from blocked, restricted, or private numbers and I do not respond to text messages. I am a phone type person – just call me! NOTE: IF YOU LEAVE A MESSAGE, PLEASE STATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER – TWICE, SLOWLY! I can not place your message with a phone number if you do not literally state your phone number. NOTE: Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $300 for 2 full hours, $250 for 1 and 1/2 hours, or $200 for 1 full hour. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of choice between consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. The issue of the donation will not be discussed by email, by text message, over the phone, or in person. I think I have clearly stated what I offer and that there is no need for further discussion. Basically there are 3 choices! All you have to do is to decide for yourself and then call me! massage in coral gables,erotic massage nearme,erotic massahe near me,erotice massage,full nude massage near me,massage in miami,miami beach nuru massage,s.erotic massage,massage coral way,where to get erotic massages

***Grand opening&Sweet; Asian Massage. - 27

$99/1 hour, 4-hands; $59/ 1 hour, 2-hands; $10 off before 3PM Phone:954-297-9508 Relaxing Body Treatment< Nice ,Clean, Comfortable Private Rooms & Beautiful Asians, Soft Hands, Gentle Touch We are qualified therapists, sweet and friendly 1001 Ives Dairy Road, Suite 204 Miami, FL 33179 I-95 take Exit 16, go west, office park on your right hand side. 1st building on the left, 2nd floor, ste 204 10AM to 11PM PLEASE CAll:954-297-9508 massage in south miami,eros miami escort,nutu massage near me,masajes eroticos en miami,bodyrub miami,nuro massage near me,erotic massage place,ertic massage near me,erotic massage parlor miami,erotic massage nwar me

***SPINE TINGLING*** Best Erotic Rubs from " ALEXXXA" ****100%***** CUBAN QUEEN !!!!! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for six hours. erotic massage broward,erotic maddage near me,erotic asian massage,incall massage miami,escorts in schaumburg,nuru madsage near me,asiami kendall,erotic massage coral gables,tsescorts orange county,11730 biscayne blvd suite 104 miami fl 33181

Gina -- Kissable Lips, Cuddling, Kissing, Mutual Pleasures. Enjoy 2 Full Hours of Pure Luxury!! - 48

Gentlemen: Are you looking for hugs and kisses, passion and romance with a very beautiful woman in your own age range? Do you want to recreate the excitement and anticipation of a first date? Here is the long story made short, a summary of the text that follows below: My name is Gina. I am a beautiful 48-year old woman with very long black hair, green/hazel eyes, a bit of height at 5’ 8”, and a little extra weight at about 165. I have all natural D cups with nice hips. I love long, sensuous sessions – my hands as well as your hands, your body as well as my body. I love to have my own moments of pleasure and a lot of them, and I love for you to have your own moments of pleasure and as many of them as you want. I think that the ideal amount of time for a session is 3 hours, but I have had many sessions that last 5, 6 and 7 hours!! My rates start at a minimum of $300 for up to 2 hours and an additional $100 per each additional hour thereafter. I am intelligent and thoughtful and I want to have time together during which we build a friendship that becomes a long-term relationship. No one can do that in a short period of time, so if you want that you really want only one thing! There are plenty of beautiful women who will be glad to provide you with that but I am not one of them. My sessions of course involve intimacy, but my sessions are really about much more than that. My sessions are about giving you the attention you want, the time listening to you that you want, the appreciation that you want, and the romance and passion that you want. My sessions are about making you feeling like a million dollars – as a romantic interest, as a friend, and finally as an object! Gentlemen who read my ad are obviously very intelligent – otherwise, they could not get through this many pages!! Also, gentlemen who call me are interested in a lot more than just a one-time fling – they are looking for romance and friendship that will endure. If you are looking for a one-time fling, look in the Escort section of BackPage for South Florida’s most beautiful accommodating women! My condo is in Pompano Beach, on Lyons Road (46th Avenue) between Atlantic Blvd. and Cypress Creek. My condo is very, very private and it is nice. I have dozens of candles for an exceptionally romantic environment. I would love for you to bring along a nice bottle of wine! Here is the rest of my ad: I have been posting on Backpage for a while now and I have learned a lot from you all! On that first day I was extremely nervous and did not know what to expect. Now I am very comfortable. Because I am so comfortable, I can make you feel comfortable also. Please excuse what may appear to be typos or errors in grammar. I follow the Winston Churchill view on ending some selected sentences with prepositions, which is to say I am familiar with the technical rules on the subject and follow the rules specifically laid out by the winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature! Not that I would ever aspire to attain “his mastery of historical and biographical description . . . [or his] brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values”, but I do like to use the English language correctly. (My native language is actually Spanish, but I do not approve of the inadvertent misuse of the English language. We communicate through language, so let’s use the English language properly, please!) To paraphrase Churchill: “The abuse of the language is an abuse up with which I will not put!” I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. First, I thought that this would be about one thing and one thing only. After all, I have heard throughout my life that men have only one thing on their minds every minute of every day and night. I thought this would be a situation where I would open the door and a gentleman would be wanting immediate gratification. Now I know the reality. The reality is more like this. You are reading this ad because you feel an innate need for female companionship. There is something missing in your life. You may be married, but that special romantic passion is not present any more. Your body is pushing you to find a woman with whom to share that special romantic passion once again. It is a basic male need – as basic as the need for air, water, food, shelter, clothing. It is present in you every minute of every day. It drives you. Everything a man does is done to impress a woman so she will be romantically attracted to him. In today’s world, men get an education so they can get great jobs so they can impress the women and get rewarded with the special romantic passion they want. In short, since the beginning of time the main drive in men has been one thing. Men don’t need to think about that one thing. It is hormonal. It drives every man every minute of every day. Ultimately, it does involve a male explosion. But I think that a lot more is involved than just that. After all, a man can create his own explosions easily and (and most men do and do often!). There is something more, something “extra”. And that “extra” is the whole point. That “extra” is what drives men to turn to Back Page. It is that “extra” that is everything. That “extra” has been described in many books over the years. I will try to describe it from my point of view from what I have learned. First, not that you are shallow, but you want a woman who is beautiful in the face, with beautiful large breasts, soft skin, a nice butt and long legs (and other nice equipment). That is natural. We all prefer the attractive to the unattractive, so don’t feel that it is inappropriate to prefer an attractive woman. Second, you want a woman who appreciates you for who you are. You want to be appreciated for your accomplishments in life. You want to be with a woman who makes you feel special. You want a woman who thinks you are wonderful for who you are and what you have done. This too is natural to men. Woman don’t usually feel a need to be appreciated in quite the same way. Men feel a basic need to be treated as being competent in what they do. A man feels very vulnerable when his woman fails to appreciate his competence. You want the same 100% acceptance and unconditional love Third, you want a woman who will pay 100% attention to you when you are together – no interruptions from cell phones, etc. This will become a private universe where no one else exists – just you and me, alone, together. Fourth, you want your physical needs to be met. You want your back scratched! You want your muscles massaged. You want your skin to be soothed. And like every human being – man and woman – you want to have an explosion. The drive toward that explosion is one of the absolutely most basic drives in all of us. It is why you turned to Back Page. Part of your need may be to explore a woman’s body or even to create an explosion in the woman – that is natural, too. Fifth, you want a woman with whom you are comfortable. You want a woman with whom you can talk. You want a woman that is about your own age, because you will share a common history, a common background, a common basis of experiences. You want a woman that speaks your language, went to the same kinds of schools as you did, had the same kinds of friends as you had. You want a woman who looks a bit like you and who thinks a bit like you. Sixth, you want that magical spark of romance and intrigue. We all want it. We all remember forever our first love. We would all like to be able to recreate that once-in-a-lifetime feeling we had then. We all know that a large part of the excitement is the initial conquest. We certainly all know that it is hard to keep that excitement alive in a marriage over the course of years. (And we all know that the easiest way to find it again is to start a relationship.) No man can ever give himself an as good as a woman gives him because all those “extra” things are missing. No human being can ever tickle himself/herself. It just simply can not be done by anyone, ever. In contrast, every human being can create an explosion for himself/herself. But not as good as one created by someone else!! Guess what? I want pretty much the same things you want!! So now let me explain my thoughts on how we should go about this! You should arrive at my front door just like you would for your first date with any beautiful woman – with an expectant attitude that today is going to be one of the best days of your life! If you are romantic, perhaps you will bring some flowers or a box of chocolates! I will open the door dressed in the way that you would create in your ideal fantasy – beautiful, hair done nicely, and dressed in one of the lingerie outfits you see in the photos by an elegant silk robe. (If you would prefer that I meet you at the door in an evening gown or a ladies’ business suit, just let me know!) When the door opens and we see each other for the first time, let it be magical. Of course, I know that you will probably have some nervousness. You are meeting someone new for the first time ever and you do not know what to expect. You do not know whether all will be as it is stated. I have the same apprehension about you! You have one distinct advantage – I have been reviewed by other gentlemen on other sites. I will assume that you know some of those other sites. The gentlemen on those sites have reviewed me and given me the highest compliments possible (which means I am a real woman and not an undercover agent!!). Let’s start off the same way any dating couple would start off – by sitting on the couch, talking, having a glass of water or soda with perhaps some fruit or cheese and crackers or some chocolates. Let’s get to know each other a little. As we become acquainted, perhaps we will begin to explore a little. A caress? A kiss? A little exploration? Let the fun begin! After that, let’s adjourn to the table room and get comfortable. You’ll notice that my entire condo unit is lit only by candles and mood lighting. They set a romantic mood. You have come for sensual pleasure, so let’s get started on that right away. I am not a licensed masseuse, but gentlemen have told me that I have skilled hands and that I have given them the best “massage” they have ever received. I correct them to say that since I am not licensed I can not say that I give a massage but rather that I give a body rub. That being said, gentlemen have also told me that I give a more complete body rub than they have ever received – by a licensed masseuse or by a non-licensed body rub provider. That is because I literally touch upon every area of the body. And many gentlemen have never had a massage or body rub of the face and before. I have been shocked by this bit of information, as I often consider the face to be the absolute most important part of the body (except for that other, more private area, of course!). When I touch your face, you will understand what I mean, if you don’t already. When I touch your face, you will understand the nature of tender loving care! When I touch your face, you will feel warmth on many levels. You have probably read that it takes a huge number of muscles to execute a frown but only a few to execute a smile. What you probably didn’t piece together was the full implication – the face has more muscle groups than any other area of the body. If you want ALL your muscles relaxed, you should start with the muscles of the face. And the face has more nerve endings than any area of the body. Have you ever had your lips touched gently? Did you know that the lips have more nerve endings than any other area of the body -- as many as 1,000 times as many as the fingertips? I am often almost as shocked to hear from many gentlemen that they have never had their hands receive a massage or body rub. I consider those to be important areas. The hands are important because they are the part of the body that we feel with. We use our hands as the first point of touch. And our hands have a huge number of nerve endings. Add that to the fact that the hands have the most number of bones in our body (connected to a huge number of ligaments and muscles!) and you can see why I believe that the hands are an important target of my attention! To some extent, I can understand why many ladies do not provide a massage or rub of the feet. Many ladies don’t like feet!! But I feel that feet are important. They certainly carry the entire load of our weight. Consider that the toes of each foot in sequence bear the entire weight of our entire body and you will probably agree with me that the toes are an important part of our body. And they deserve recognition and attention commensurate with their role and importance. Ticklish? I'll just use extra pressure to make sure you do not feel a tickling sensation! Of course I know that every traditional massage and/or body rub focuses a lot of attention on the back. I think that attention is misplaced. I think that way for two reasons: first, most gentlemen do not use their backs as their principal means of occupation and therefore do not have sore backs. Second, when your back is receiving attention, you are in a very uncomfortable position – with your face buried in a rest or a pillow. You can’t talk in that position. Your sinus drains uncomfortably. I find that there is really only one good thing about the position – your butt is completely exposed, and men just love to have that area touched properly! And of all the ironies, that is literally the one area where the most muscle contraction takes place that needs to be relaxed – the area where the upper leg muscles connect! That area DOES need attention in just about every one of us, because just about every one of us walks! Why do so many ladies concentrate on the back? Because it is so easy and so impersonal! It takes hard work to touch someone’s face with exquisite tenderness. It takes real human emotion. And touching someone’s fingers is a genuine human connection. We shake hands to greet our fellow human beings, and a good finger massage/rub is much more than just a handshake. Only a lady who has a genuine interest in you as a man will be willing to touch your face, your hands, and your feet. By way of comparison, most ladies would prefer to touch your back – it is a cold impersonal area and you can’t talk while on your stomach with your face in a headrest or a pillow. In that position, it is almost like petting a dog on its back. By this point you should be feeling relaxed! Only one thing might improve upon the sensations running through your body – the feeling of my soft, delicate skin brushing up against yours. Perhaps as I went from area to area you could feel me brush against you in a suggestive, teasing manner. Perhaps you would like to increase that percentage from a mere brushing glance to a full broadside. Many of you gentlemen are familiar with the phrase “body slide”, but I would like to elevate that phrase to a way of life! For you gentlemen who are not familiar with that phrase, please be prepared to take sensual teasing to a whole new level. Continuity and predictability. Those two elements transform a good body rub into a great body rub. My technique incorporates continuity and predictability, so let me explain to you what those are. Continuity means that from the time my hands first touch your body to formally commence our session until the time we adjourn, my hands never, never, never leave your body. Every second of every minute of that time, at least one of my hands will be touching your body. Never will I break contact completely. [The only exception to this will be when I complete the rub of your feet, I will wash my hands so that I do not spread bacteria from your feet to the other areas of your body; I will tell you that I am going to go wash my hands and you will know that I will only be a few feet away (I have a sink in my bedroom).] This continuity is very, very important. When a lady breaks contact, you are disrupted. You don’t know where she is going or how long she will be gone. In reality, she is just going to get more oil or to move to the other side of the table, but in your imagination you don’t know where she is going or what she will do next. Imagine eating a great meal at a fine restaurant. You don’t expect the waiter/waitress to just swing by and unexpectedly remove your plate after you’ve had just a few bites and then return it a few moments later! You would be shocked by that behavior. Not surprisingly, you would be just as shocked if a lady took her hands off your body for a few moments during a massage/rub. Your body will not be pleased at unexpected interruptions! Predictability is almost as important as continuity. When I pay attention to your first arm/hand, your mind will subconsciously note the methodical sequence of events. I will then replay that same exact methodical sequence when I pay attention to the next arm/hand, then the first leg/foot, then the next leg/foot. Your mind will already know what is coming, even if you don’t. When continuity and predictability combine, your body will relax faster and further than ever before. You will feel just like a car seat going for a gentle car ride. [Yes, some of my gentlemen visitors have indeed fallen fast asleep.] Almost never has a gentleman properly discerned these two techniques. They are subtle and they are not intended to be conspicuous. They stay in the background. But they magnify the relaxation powers ten-fold. They transform a good body rub into a great body rub. No, I did not create these techniques. I did not even improve upon them. I simply copied them, learned them, and try to practice them. Consider the world’s best artists today. Can we say that they learned their crafts distinct from the processes followed by Michelangelo? Can we say they improved upon his processes? Of course not. Nothing that the artists of today undertake can exceed his works. In the same way, I can not claim that my body rubs are the most original on the planet or that they exceed those of Michelangelo’s girlfriend! The same is true in most professions today – what we do is not necessarily the most original, but it is unique to us, and we do the best we can do. At some point the teasing builds to a tension becomes palpable. As a man, you feel the need to reach the end. Women enjoy the journey; men only enjoy finishing the trip they started. My ad is placed in the body rub section because that is what I love – body rubs. For a while I offered more, but now I have decided to stick to what I love best -- body rubs! I believe that body rubs are the most arousing activity! My hands know the right questions to ask. You may be too shy to ask for a massage on the back side, but my hands will know how to ask you if you want one without asking in words! After all the oils and creams are all over the place, wouldn’t a shower be a good idea? I know exactly what I like to do and I think I have fairly accurately described it in this ad. Many gentlemen who have visited me have told me that each and every thing I stated in my ads is true and accurate, and this ad also says everything just as it is in real life. My real-life reviews on IG and say the same thing about me, but from the gentleman’s perspective. I provide what is just about a unique experience – a real, down-to-earth boy-meets-girl experience. I think it is a true luxury version of a body rub with escort finish. And an experience like this is something that should be basked in! We should take our time and do this right. I believe that an appropriate amount of time for this is 2 to 3 hours. I know that some gentlemen are in a bit more of a rush than that – they want to be out the door in a very short period of time. I have two distinct suggestions – visit me for 2 hours ($300) or visit me for 3 hours ($400). Unless you are very, very serious about this, in which case let’s spend the night together together at (your place or mine) Or would you like to go to a swingers club? ( And please understand one very important concept: I love this! Imagine if you could post an ad offering to provide complete body rubs to women and lots of beautiful, intelligent women called you to set appointments, and every day you met a new, beautiful, intelligent woman and gave her a complete body rub and touched every inch of her body and she loved it! How would you feel? You would be in HEAVEN! Well guess what? SO AM I!! I am a beautiful 48-year old woman and in the last 3 months I have laid my hands on more handsome, intelligent, charming, wonderful men than Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Haile Berry, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, and Gwyneth Paltrow all put together have probably touched in their whole lifetimes!!!!! Yes, I probably have more sensuous fun than all of them put together!! I have lived life enough years to have seen many wonderful places. I was born in New York City and have lived there and loved it. I have also lived in New Jersey, Ohio, and Michigan (and I do not miss the cold from any of those places!). I lived my early childhood in Puerto Rico and in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands (and would love to live forever in Puerto Rico!). I have traveled and vacationed around the world on Pan Am 1 (that was a while back!). I have traveled to Colombia (twice), Peru (twice), India (3 weeks), Japan, Luxemburg, Monaco, Mexico (8 weeks), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Canada, and Switzerland. I have traveled to and vacationed in a lot of states, including California, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Texas. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! And I have lived life enough years to have undertaken many wonderful activities. I have raised my own children and now I am able to share in the lives of my grandchildren. When you look at my photos you probably are just thinking about and you aren’t thinking about how I bake cookies with my or go to Disney World with them. If you send me a photo of yourself, the same kinds of thoughts ramble through my mind that ramble through yours! I have worked as a faux finish painter – I have painted many beautiful interior walls. I have worked as a muralist and have painted beautiful landscape murals. I have worked as a commissioned artist and made a decent living at it. I have learned to fly an airplane. I’ll bet we’ll find something to talk about! You gentlemen have led rich, full lives full of success, travel, and adventure. Guess what? So have I! That is part of what makes meeting you so fun and exciting. You gentlemen all have wonderful stories to relate to me, and I take joy in sharing mine with you. I am a real woman and you are a real man. When you come to see me, you will learn who I am and I will learn who you are. That is how normal human beings interact. You are not just a number to me and I will not just be some housecleaning lady doing a job for you. We will have a personal relationship between us, even if just temporary! Yes, I enjoy multiple MIOs. You are welcome to enjoy multiple FIOs. If you have read my prior ad, you’ll know that a MIO is my acronym for Male-Induced- and a FIO is my acronym for Female-Induced-. Yes, I have multiple MIOs in succession – if you know how to do things the right way! I’m still waiting for Webster’s to put those two Acronyms in the newest dictionary. My condo is completely private – occupied by just me, no roommates. And your car will be invisible because I live all the way in the back of the subdivision, in the last building, in the back side of the building, on Lyons Road between Atlantic and Cypress Creek in Pompano Beach. I have a professional table complete with all the extras. I have tons of clean linen, towels, washcloths, etc. I also have a full bumper and a mini bumper for your convenience. I never fully appreciated the importance of bumpers until a few days ago, when a very kind gentlemen provided a 4-hour session TO ME! I had three full hours of body rubs followed by a full hour of sensuous touching that many would call an extremely happy MIO. I learned that the human body can not comfortably lie for 3 straight hours on the back without adequate, proper support under the back of the knees! By the way, I also learned that draping feels very comfortable. Draping keeps the cool air conditioning drafts off the exposed body! So from now on I will ask you about draping and bumpers! (Yes, guys, I have been told that some 12 different ads use language copied from my ad. I am, of course, flattered by the “imitation”. And no, I don’t write ads for anyone else! This is a free world, and I do not copyright my ads. Therefore, anyone can copy my ads. But in reality, few ladies can imitate my genuine, down-to-earth approach to meeting gentlemen for body rubs. I deliver exactly as I say I will deliver.) If you have paid close attention so far, you will know the importance of four words: continuity, predictability, draping, and bumpers! IMPORTANT: CAN THE DEAD BE RAISED? USUALLY!! I know that older gentleman sometimes have diabetes, ED, Parkinson's, COPT, and many other medical issues that slow them down in these endeavors. I know that having HIM stand up and do HIS duty can be an issue. I have found that by taking lots and lots and lots of time, often a hesitant HIM can be raised and convinced to do HIS duty. So if you have a medical issue and this affects your personal performance, just TELL ME and I'll know what to do! Call me at 954-297-6569. Gina $200 for up to 2 hour $300 for up to 3 hours I like this quote: "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of the low price is forgotten." My philosophy is simple: pay enough to get what you really want because not getting what you really want isn't really worth anything! Gentlemen have told me their complaints about seeing a young woman for a low price, then feeling ripped out that they were shoved out the door in What were they thinking? A middle aged gentleman should see a middle aged lady. And should spend as much time pursuing her as he did pursuing his first date when he was a man! hapoy ending massage,rrotic massage,erotic nassage near me,sensual massage in brickell,how to find erotic massage,milf massage available now,rubmd miami,erotic massage by male,erotic asian massage miami,adult search fort myers

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**** SKIN so SCRUMPTIOUS it TASTES LIKE COTTON CANDY *** " ALEXXXA " the " Cuban Queen " ! ! ! ! ! - 32

Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey....... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do FS, sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. If you want to spend more time with me, we can go out on a date or wherever you like. Rate is $800 for five hours. massage for men miami,nuru massage south beach,adult erotic massage near me,adult sensual massage,errotic message,7968 sw 8th st miami fl 33144,ts escorts dallas,7865981862,erotic massagw,erotic massages newr me

Sunset Gardens Spa. Stop in for our 4 Hand Special. A Delightful Treat 786-768-3123 - 24

NEW PICS ... NEW PICS.... !!! Experience hands of warmth today as they relax every inch of your body! Only our hands will melt you like butter. Call us if you like it a little on the "SPICY" side. 786-768-3123 nuru massage place near me,miami massage,how to find happy ending massage parlors,foot massage south beach,adult massage spa,asiami kendall,erotic massage centers near me,,ts escorts nash,adult exotic massage

***LAP DANCE*** With Erotic BodyRub At *** " ALEXXXA'S " *** ! ! ! !!! - 32

Tired of looking at "FAKE" model pics and taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet these women to later find out, they look nothing like the pictures they posted? How about getting the "Its too good to be true price" and later being bombarded with up sell charges? I feel your frustration. There is nothing worse than wasting your time and hard earned money on smoke and mirrors. You have just been liberated from the "Bait & Switch" game. Hello, Gentlemen. My name is "Alexxxa". I am 5'6 and weigh 128 pounds with perfect measurements of 36-24-36. I have honey colored eyes and golden blonde hair with skin so soft that it melts in your hands. My friends call me the "Cuban Queen". My pictures are 100% real. I don't believe in the bait and switch nor do I believe in giving you a ridiculous price to lure you in, then hammering you with up sale charges. I am not looking for to come up from anyone. I have my own things purchased with my own money and I am definitely not a gold digger. What you see is what you get when your looking at my pics posted. Don't be fooled gentlemen. I am "The Original, Never Duplicated "ALEXXXA" I see others are trying to copy my name with the "XXX" but I am "The One & Only ALEXXXA". I love costumes. I have over 50 costumes and I love playing each role. I have a school girl costume, sexy cheerleader, belly dancer, sexy cop and many, many more. Which fantasy girl would you like rubbing on your body? That is just a taste of the minimum spine tingling sensation you will feel under my sweet care. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of Miami and I hope to own my own business one day. I am an avid sports enthusiast. My favorite television channel starts with the letters "ESPN" lol. Are there any SportCenter fans out there? If so, I'm your girl. I love to provide sensual body rubs for gentlemen. A year ago, I worked at a spa. I have been trained by a top licensed, professional masseuse who gave me a lot of insider tips. I am currently working towards obtaining my own license. Each session is specialized to work on your body's needs as well as helping you mentally destress. I take each session with extreme emotional commitment. It takes a "Real Woman" who is sincerely interested in each gentleman to make him feel like a "King". One of my many talents, which has lead me to be known as the "Cuban Queen". You and I will form a unique bond. I listen as well as any psychologist or therapist. You can talk to me about anything and know that what happens or is said at "Alexxxa's" .....stays at "Alexxxa's". I've had the good fortune to have met only the best South Florida has to offer in "Perfect Gentlemen" and I am truly blessed to have each one of them as my clients. I have incalls at my Luxurious, Super Upscale home in Southwest Ranches. I have a 5 bedroom, 3,900 square foot home all to myself on a 2.5 acre parcel of Heaven. Completely private and secluded. Homes in this area range from One Million to Fifteen Million. I have my own pool and jacuzzi. We can take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi if you like or we could just stay inside. I have the most Upscale Location of anyone on Backpage.You don't have to worry about meeting me in a motel, shabby apartment or a place on the wrong side of town. You will be pampered and spoiled in my chamber of a thousand ecstasies. I also do out-calls in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. I hope to continue enjoying this wonderful journey......... Besos para siempre, ALEXXXA Note: If interested , please call me at (786) 521-1022. Discretion assured. I do not do , sorry guys. I feel you will leave just as satisfied with the incredible experience you will have in my sensuous hands. Please don't call from a blocked, restricted or private number. Note: Any monies exchanged is for companion purposes only, for which I ask for a donation of $200 for one full hour. This is not an offer of any illegal service and I don't offer any illegal services. chinese massage with happy ending,weotic massage,exotic message,exotic massagw,affordable massage miami,rub and tug miami,extoic massage near me,miami rubmaps,miami body rubs,asian happy ending massage

**TANTRIC INITIATION**Set your NYE intention in Pure Bliss w/ Genuine Tantric Priestess~ BOOK AHEAD - 26

I nMy name is Violette. I am a Tantric Initiatress. If you choose, I will initiate you into the full expression and union of your sensual and spiritual energies. I do this by sharing all that I am with you - my silence, my wisdom, my deep love, my honesty, and my freedom - and I bring your consciousness and your energies into alignment with mine. I also share with you my erotic sensuality, which is intertwined with my loving heart and my reverent spirituality, and I teach you how to meet me in this way. You will find me a natural woman, who meets you without facade and who reaches to that in you which exists beyond the identity that you will present to me - your soul essence, your very source. When we meet in this way, time slows down, feeling is intensified, and we begin to attune to the electric, energetic level of our beings. When two people meet and their vibrational frequencies come into alignment and dance together, extraordinary energies thrill them on the level of body and soul. For this to happen, they must trust, honor and cherish each other. Can it be thus for you? I will show you the way and I will be the way. This path is not for everyone. If you think it is for you, please contact me. My Tantric sessions vary in length from an hour and a to three hours. Most of my sessions are three hours. During my first three hour session, I will teach you. To begin, I will show you how to access within yourself the Sacred Heart Space, meeting me in a place of powerful presence and moving from there into a sensual experience while holding that place intact. I will guide you in using your breath, sounds, focused attention, and imagination, to build and spread this kundalini energy throughout your body, so that you arrive at ecstatic states of pleasure. In a romantic, sensual room, we will take the time to get to know each other before beginning the massage. We will begin with intimate sharing and sacred Tantric ritual that will relax you and bring you out of your mind and into your senses. It will also connect us on a soul level. This will be followed by a relaxing, healing massage of your back-side, designed to bring you deeper into relaxation so that your life force kundalini energy can begin to . When you turn over onto your back, you will receive a massage with long, slow, pleasurable touch that will intensify the spreading of your life force energy. As each of my sessions leaves a lasting impact that changes your, spiritual and relationship life, the donation should be commensurate with that and should be regarded as investment in you. What if you can't afford my services? Please let me know. There are a number of ways that I might be able to help you. It is my intention that my gift be available to as many people as possible for in the giving of the gift I fulfill myself. If you wish to learn Tantra with me, to find out more about what I do, or simply to enjoy an exquisite one-hour massage, please e-mail me. Namaste, (The light within me recognizes and honors the light in you) *Violette* new asian massage miami fl,7865981862,eroctic massages,miramar escorts,adult massage miami,erotic massage south beach miami,ts escorts orlando fl,tsescorts dallas,full body nude massage near me,angelina spa coral way

~HOLLYWOOD'S HOTTEST SPA~ 954-534-9024 $10 off w/ad - 23

Looking for a Nice place to Relax. We have , Attractive Girls ready to take you away. Located minutes from the Hard Rock Casino & Airport. We are Open 7 Days. M-S 10am-11pm, Sun 11am-8pm. 5892 Stirling Rd Suite 4, 1 Block East of 441 on the South Side. (954)534-9024 We accept all other ads including Asian Spa ads erotic.massage near me,2731 sw coral way,massage coral gables,exotic massge,eroti massage,erotic massages miami,erptic massage near me,adult masage,masajes eroticos near me,miami beach erotic massage

~HOLLYWOOD'S FINEST SPA~ 954-534-9024 $10 off w/ad

Looking for a Nice place to Relax. We have Young, Attractive Girls ready to take you away. Located minutes from the Hard Rock Casino. We are Open 7 Days. M-S 10am-11pm, Sun 11am-8pm. 5892 Stirling Rd Suite 4, 1 Block East of 441 on the South Side. (954)534-9024 erotic miami,miami massage parlor,massage places with happy endings near me,nuru madsage near me,at home erotic massage,happy end massage,masaje miami,massage nuru miami,exotic message,erotic massahe

JESSIE -Tired of the rest? Now try the best! Let me rub you the right way! - 28

I am a master in the art of teasing, and I would like to please you as well. My body rub will take you to a place you have only dreamed of! I am classy, educated, fun, sweet, and sassy. I am basically a very nice girl with a bit of a "bad girl" side. Let's have some good clean fun together! 954 822 9746 200/hr Pre-booking is preferred but not required erotic massage south florida,nuru massages miami,tsescorts dallas,angelina spa coral way,backpage miami adult,happy ending massages in miami,adult message near me,rubmaps massage,niru massage near me,massages exotic

❦THE ULTIMATE PACKAGE❦ Beautiful -- Sexy -- Sweet -- Sensual -- Exotic 786-445-2449 - 22

WE ARE very sweet like your girl next door but... I have a side that will drive you wild! Let me calm your nerves after a long day! My skills will have you begging for more. I love to show a true gentleman an experience he'll never forget! (305-397-8402 )WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS erotc massage near me,erotic massage aventura,mileroticos miami,massage erotico near me,exotic rubs,erotic massage south beach miami,erotuc massage,wrotic massage near me,ero massage near me,erotic sexual massage